Refugee. [BSM] {PART 2}

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Lying on the couch while licking Nutella off a spoon wasn't quite what I wanted to do on a Friday night, but alas, I had been given no other option. Of course, no one said anything about Nutella, but.

Claire had come over only a day later and basically hogged my clueless brother, well not that he would've spoken to me even if she wasn't here, but I'm sure he would've forgiven me quicker. I sighed heavily setting the Nutella down and snuggling into Mr. Cuddles who sat behind me watching the muted TV.

I could hear loud laughter before Claire and harry came tumbling through the front door, cheeks tinged with happiness and laughter. Gag. Shaking off their coats they came in and flopped down on the opposite couch, Harrys happy face dropping slightly once noticing I was there. He looked less happier now and that stung, I mean, it's already hard enough living with the thought that I'm staying somewhere where I'm blatantly not wanted, but am I that bad that I ruin his mood?

I turned my back to them and snuggled into Mr. Cuddles hoping to just drift away from my grim and grey life.


I came down the stairs about to get a drink of water when I heard voices drifting through the kitchen making me stop in my tracks, the hushed tones revealing that this is something they don't want me to hear.

"Harry, baby, . . .Please. . it's making me uncomfortable. . " I heard Claire's voice get clearer as I pressed myself to the door frame.

"I know love, but what can I do? I don't want her here either," It felt like a slap when I realised that they were talking about me. Tears pricked my eyes and a lump had formed in my throat.

"Send her back to your dad!" She exclaimed, fucking evil asshole.

"I want to, but she'll make a huge scene if I kick her out," he sighed with resignation. I decided that was enough as I moved away into the living room, barely containing my sobs.

I have no where to go, no place where I can call home and have someone comfort me and tell me it's okay and they'll protect me from my father. I ran away knowing harry would cuddle me with open arms, but that clearly wasn't the case. The past 2 weeks I had just sat around isolated, they don't talk to me, I haven't said a word in 2 weeks, well unless I'm talking Mr. Cuddles, but i hardly think that counts.

Tears rolled down my cheeks at the harsh reality of the truth that no one really wanted me, heck I don't think anyone even loved me, I mean if my dad loved me, he wouldn't hurt me, If harry truly loved me he wouldn't be this horrible to me, if mum loved me, she would call to check up on me. What was so wrong with me? What had I possibly done? I sobbed loudly just wanting one of Harry's special hugs, the ones where he wraps you up so tightly you can barely breathe.

His love was all I needed right now.

"Shut up!" I heard a loud shout as I opened my eyes trying to hurriedly wipe my tears away and contain my sobs, it wasn't working.

Claire stood in front of me as she glared at me, her hands on her hips.

"Shut your mouth brat! Harrys about to buy me a Audi and I don't want him distracted," she said smugly.

"Greedy Bitch."


I screamed, half from the pain and half from the sudden memories of hiding away in my closet from my dad, he would often slap me like this. The memories that I had been trying to block flooded my mind as I collapsed to the floor in sobs and shouts.

"No no no! Don't hurt me, pleaase!" I shouted as I choked on my own sobs, I could hear rushed footsteps which probably belonged to harry.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Harry asked, I could hear underlying concern which nearly made me stop crying. Keyword, nearly.

"Harry," i whimpered stretching my arms out towards him like a scared child. He scrunched his nose at me with distaste making me cry even harder, I suddenly felt so alone, so alone.

"Claire, look, maybe you should go home tonight," harry murmured to Claire as they discussed me like I was a misbehaving dog, they had a hushed conversation before she left leaving me and my brother.

I Forcibly quietened down my sobs to low sniffles, deciding I was going to tell him the reason why I had overstayed my welcome and then leave and find my own way around. He clearly didn't want nor need me, and neither did my dad as he hadn't even bothered looking for his missing child.

"He-he hurt me, harry!" I cried out desperately as my bottom lip quivered. He looked confused but somewhat interested, I crawled closer to him and wrapped my arms around his unresponsive body.

"D-dad, t-that's why I cam here, I had no where else to go," I cried out to him, he stilled under my touch after my confession.




Someone hurt my baby sister, that someone who is also my father? I could feel rage building inside me, she's such a fragile angel. But who am I to get angry? I've been treating her like shit lately, I was just angry at her for breaking in and wanted to make sure she never does that to someone else, but if only I knew the real reason. I felt guilt practically shatter my heart as I realised she came looking for some warmth and comfort and all I could offer her were mean words and the icy cold shoulder? What sort of brother am I?

"Harry," she whimpered quietly trying to nuzzle into me, I suddenly felt extremely emotional as tears pricked my eyes, and I vowed to myself I would treat her like a princess. Exactly how she deserved.

I scooped her up from the floor and into my lap, wrapping my arms tightly around her as I rocked her like a baby.

"I'm so sorry, God. So fucking sorry doll," I whispered in her ear, she didn't seem too keen on listening to my grovelling as she shied away further into my chest.

"It's alright babygirl, I'm here now, and I'm never letting him touch you again, I'll protect you with my life if I have to." I whispered through the lump in my throat.

"Please, forgive me baby," I pleaded kissing her forehead and tugging her tighter against me. She nodded sniffling.

"I-I forgive you, p-please don't isolate me anymore," she murmured sadly, tears filled my eyes as I hugged her as close to my chest as possible.

"I promise."

A/N: sorry it's a bit rushed guys! But I'm in a rush haha, I love you all.

And if anyone wants to talk I'm right here!

All the love. X

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