Okay, yeah it was a freaking lonely pregancy. [PART 2]

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Credit to @IsabelleSwanLovesYou for this good idea TANK YOU XX

8 months. I was 8 months along and living alone in the middle of London and trying to work for as long as possible before I had no choice but to stop. The days after harry had left I was a mess, I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone, I stayed in a cheap motel for a week, barely eating, barely sleeping before I had to leave and get a job. I still loved him, oh yes that never went away-- I mean how could it? He was after all, the father to my soon to be born baby girl. Every Time I saw his face on TV, or in a magazine my heart would jump, all I wanted was to be back in his arms, were I belonged with our baby girl. But he didn't want me, he despised me, I was sure of it. And that's what made it hurt more.

I had figured out what had happened, how someone knew so much and then to have the audacity to blame me? Well it was Cameron, a close friend of harrys who harry trusted with his life, after the boys he was his next best friend. Turns out, he got offered a shit tonne of cash and he was in desperate need of help so he took the offer, but he couldn't put his name as that would tarnish his and Harry's relationship so he decided to tarnish ours instead. Peachy, I know.

I heaved myself up off the couch to make myself a coffee but was stopped in my tracks as a all of a sudden a sharp pain struck my stomach and I lost my balance. I cried holding my stomach as I waited for it to pass. Braxton hicks I think? Times like these made me crave Harry's presence more than ever, I knew if he'd be here right now he would be holding me, filled with concern as he cooed at me to shush. But all I had to comfort me was the shitty itchy carpet I was grasping at right now. I heaved a breath as it passed and immediately sat up, leaning against the couch.

My forehead was covered with perspiration from the pain as I breathed heavily. I clutched my phone in my hands in case-

"OW FUCK!" I basically screamed as a ripping pain was felt, fuck fuck this isn't normal no. Fuck. I sobbed, tears flowing freely down my cheeks as I attempted to dial 999 with fumbling fingers.

"Ow, please. ." I whimpered, the pain rendering me almost speechless.

I heard the operator and i hurriedly yelled for ambulance before breaking out in sobs. I felt like I was dying, like someone was driving numerous butchers knifes right into the middle of my stomach. I heard the sounds of harsh knocking on my door before my door was yanked open and two paramedics rushed inside with a stretcher. They were talking to me, I could hear them, but I couldn't, my vision began dipping in and out of black as I was pulled onto the stretcher, my exhausted body going limp as my world went dark.


"Niall seriously, who the hell rushes to a hospital because of that?" I asked glaring at the fairly small wound that could have been stitched up just fine by our medic team.

"Do you want me to die?" He demanded. I raised my hands in surrender.

"Chill, bro." I muttered rolling my eyes as I turned to see a girl being rushed on a stretcher with paramedics all around her pushing it, she looked to be heavily pregnant from where I was sitting. The colour of her hair made me gulp, only one person had those highlights-- stop, you're being dumb. She didn't even love you so shut up harold. My subconscious reminded me. I huffed to myself after some internal battle as I stood up.

"I'll be back, need a wee." I mumbled to a pale looking niall as i wandered In the direction they had rushed the girl in. After walking down two corridors and peeking in through the windows I stopped upon seeing her. The wind immediately got knocked out of me as I saw who it was. It was her. And she was pregnant. .I wonder who the bastard was . .

Shut. Up. She didn't love you.

Well, didn't mean I never loved her. I mentally boxed my damn subconscious away. What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do. I huffed yet again as I slowly slipped inside the room, I creeped up to her and took a seat next to her bed. she was still as beautiful as ever. The hurt and pain I felt came rushing back like a freight train the longer I stared at her, why did she go and do that? We could've been so happy together, so happy. . .

I heard a weak raspy gasp as my eyes snapped upwards to meet frightened cyan ones.

"H-harry. ." the emotions I felt as she whispered my name were unreal.

"Hey Maci." I spoke uncomfortably. She tried sitting up but her face twisted in pain resulting in her giving up and laying back down. My hands twitched to help her but I still hadn't forgiven her.

"Oh. .harry, w-what are you doing here. .?"


He shrugged his shoulders dodging my question completely.

"So I see you've been busy. ." he spoke nodding his head towards my stomach. My eyes widened upon the realisation that he didn't know.

"Uh. .no, actually." I muttered quietly fiddling with my fingers. It was obvious he still hated me, but what I couldn't figure out was what on earth was he doing here? I didn't know weather to tell him or not even though I had dreamed about this for the longest time.

"Harry, I actually have to tell you something. . " I murmured quietly. He raised a brow and nodded his head indicating for me to go ahead.

"This baby, it's-it's. . ours. ." I whispered the last part squeezing my eyes closed.


"What? no. How is that possible?" He hurriedly asked staring at me with wild eyes. I nodded my head as tears pooled in my eyes.

"I-i was going to tell you t-he night we broke up." I said as tears slipped down my cheeks. He scoffed.

"With good reason." I shook my head as I sat up no matter how painful.

"I-I didn't write it, I swear!" He scoffed again standing up,

"It had your name on it!" He shouted accusingly. I began to stand up to so I would at least be able to look at him properly. I shook my head as sobs broke through my lips. I grabbed my phone dialling Cameron's number as it rang and rang and-
"Hello? Maci?. .What's going on?" I sobbed Clutching the phone in my hands.

"Explain it to him, please, I'm begging you Cameron! He's the father to my child for Gods sake!" I yelled, I heard him sigh heavily before agreeing. I handed the phone to harry who looked confused as to why on earth I was calling his best friend. I watched apprehensively as his expressions changed from confused, to furious, to sad, and then guilty. He tossed the phone hanging up on him turning to face me. I lost my balance a little as a small pain erupted inside my stomach again making me cry out quietly.
Harry rushed forward this time steadying me and sitting me down carefully.
"Careful. ." he breathed staring at me heavily. I cried harder staring into those emeralds I had missed so damn much.
"I'm sorry, so sorr-" he cut my blubbering off with his lips, a long sweet peck.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know how I doubted you I just-" I cut him off this time with a smaller shy kiss.

"I missed you baby," he cooed cupping my cheeks in his large hands. I nodded, filled with too many emotions to actually speak.

"And this baby!" He suddenly gasped as if just remembering. "Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad, oh shit, where's niall when you need him oh god." he rambled stroking my stomach with eager eyes as a wide grin. I nodded smiling slightly. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes as he intertwined our hands.
"We'll be okay." He murmured kissing my knuckles. And I believed him. I knew we'd have to work past everything that's happened but I was just so happy to have harry back. We could do it, we could make it.

A/N: wow this is shitty lawl. Check out My new book, Arranged with Style pls 😊 a harry AU. This would've been posted like half an hour ago but dad dragged me away at 1:15 AM to have chicken n chips so yea, and now it is 2:05 AM. lol

Tell me a quirky/weird fact about yourself.

Mine is, um. . I really don't like pizza, ew.
And another one, I have a night light even tho I'm nearly 16 LOL

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