[REQUEST] Tour ends = Harry.

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I lay in bed trying my utmost best not on fall asleep as I knew soon enough after months of waiting, harry was coming home. I felt my heart skip a beat at the reminder, not that I needed a reminder-- for how could I forget? My eyes were drifting shut slowly, it must have been about 4AM and I had tried my hardest to stay awake for him. I drank cups of coffee, watched Annabelle, had a cold shower-- which nearly fucking killed me I swear to god, but for harry it's all worth it. Nevertheless, all it did was make my mind jumpy, and paranoid at the smallest of creaks due to the coffee overload mixed with watching a movie about some creepy ass doll, and all the cold shower did was aid in successfully freezing my nonexistent balls right off.

My eyes finally fell closed and my body relaxed, and as soon as this occurred I heard the front door open quietly, my heart slowly skipped a beat since I was so damn sleepy, I attempted to sit up as I heard the big clumsy footsteps that I'd missed so dearly step into the room and dump his carry on somewhere.

"H-harry. . .?" I mumbled, my body swaying slightly as a small content smile fell across my lips. He's back home, where he belongs.He pulled the covers back and slipped into bed beside me.
"Shh pretty girl," he cooed wrapping his arms around me and laying my down in front of him. "You should have slept," he spoke, slight concern edging into his words as we cuddled. I didn't have it in me to respond a I began to unwillingly fall into the dark abyss we like to call sleep, so I kissed his tattooed arm that was in front of me, in return I got a peck on the head and a big spoon for the night. And that was all I needed in life really. Harry. My harry.

@Meldarling16 I really hope you like it! This was a super rad idea like HABSBDSJ cutie :3

GUYS GUYS! Ok I wanna delete my book Fix Your Heart (HS) and I was wondering if anyone wants it? Like have the story, story line, characters, heck you can have the legitimate chapters if Ya wanna, so it'd be well rad if you guys gave me feedback! I will be deleting it in a week tops! So..

Rad is like my new word I have just like discovered it lmao

Night guys ily so much omg xxx

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