My Alpha. [PART 2]

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I stared out of my window solemnly as I watched the other members of my mate's pack train and wrestle around on the grass. It was a sunny day, and everyone was lounging around outside taking full advantage of the lush weather-- well almost everyone, I was sat in my bedroom just watching everyone enjoy themselves with my nose pressed against the glass as I stared at them with sadness running through my veins. I had tried to follow them all outside but I received many weird stares and even some snarls so I quietly turned on my heel and headed inside, if I had been in wolf form I'm sure my ears would have dropped to my eyes.

It had been three days since my eloquent arrival and I had tried staying out of everyone's way after getting shouted  at when I accidentally shattered a glass. It was hard to avoid everyone's nasty glances and to ignore them when heartbreak was so prevalent through my body. My heart had been cracked and I was being constantly cut up from the sharp edges, I hated the atmosphere change as soon as I entered a room, but what made it even more unbearable was how Harry had been avoiding be like the plague.

I even saw him kissing a girl against a wall roughly. My tears lasted nearly the whole night that day when I realised he genuinely didn't want me. At all.'

My on chance at being accepted for who I am and to have a family after my parents had been completely ripped apart in front of my eye and I didn't know how long I could sit back and watch everyone enjoy themselves like a family while I sat in the shadows watching on. I had done it my entire life and I had carried on with the hope that my mate would never leave me, he would accept me and love me and I would be appreciated, however now that hope had been crushed I honestly didn't even know why I was alive.

I mean, everywhere I went I was clearly a burden, I was a burden on my pack who eventually kicked me out, and now on this pack too and I couldn't go through the humiliation of being booted like that again.

I knew what I had to do, it would probably get me slaughtered but I was unwanted so terribly here I couldn't stand the hatred fanning towards me anymore, so I was going to leave. And if I got killed by a rogue, then good.
At least I wouldn't be a burden anymore, and maybe I'll see my parents. It's not like I had anything to live for here.

I sighed heavily getting up from my sad position on the window ledge as o stalked slowly towards the door, my body moving unenthusiastically and slowly knowing I was practically walking to my death.
I headed downstairs and exited through the back door, laughter and chatter meeting ears as I frowned sadly catching a glimpse of Harry with that girl on his lap, he laughed at something she whispered and he pressed a kiss to her neck.


Any trepidation or doubt I had before had now completely washed away as I watched him go on with his life as if he had never come across his mate. Tears sprung to my eyes as I shifted into wolf form before I had made a break for the woods lining the edge of his green land, my weak legs pushing me as fast as possible away from my mate who hated me.


I don't know how long I had been running for but I was absolutely exhausted, my body in desperate need of water and some food as my body flopped to the floor unable to keep oily any further. My tongue was out as I panted heavily and I could taste the air, it was disgusting.


I could smell the faint but horrid stench of rogue wolves getting stronger and stronger and with me in such a vulnerable position I knew I was screwed. My heart was pulsating in my chest rapidly, fear running like ice through my veins as I lay too tired to move just awaiting my fate.



I pushed the annoying girl off my lap where she had plopped down without my permission, she was driving me insane. Just because I fucked her a few times it didn't make her my girlfriend and it certainly did not fucking mean that we had any connection unless it involved my dick, unfortunately she hadn't seemed to have gotten the memo.  I rolled my eyes when she whined sadly looking upset before I stood up and headed inside although my pack house was no longer as inviting as it used to be with a certain someone's timid presence.

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