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I sat on his lap sipping my Sprite quietly as I gazed around me with slight wonderment on how people found it endearing to dance around till their sweating their makeup off and drink themselves to the stars, only to wake up in the morning with a banging headache and no memory of what went on the night before.

And I knew Harry didn't enjoy all this as much as he pretended to for the sake of his so called 'friends' who were the type of sleazes who encouraged bar fights and didn't mind treating women like mere toys made solely for their pleasure. I never would understand the need for Harry to hang out with them, It was like placing a shiny diamond among dirty stones.

"You good, baby?" A husky voice whispered with concern into my ear as he gave me a affectionate squeeze. I nodded my head turning around slightly so I could have a little kiss. I pouted my lips innocently and he quickly caught onto what I was after as he sent me a small grin before connecting out lips for a soft kiss.

I hummed happily as we pulled away, he looked pretty apprehensive for a moment before kissing my forehead and gently encouraging me to get off his lap.

"I'm going to the bathroom okay? And I want you to stay here. I mean it babe, don't you dare move." He said as he kissed my forehead again before he left to weave in and out of the pulsating crowd.

I didn't particularly mind the way Harry sometimes spoke to me, I knew he only meant it for the better of me, he had always been protective over me, maybe it was my small size and petite frame in general, or maybe he was afraid of loosing me. I was pretty naïve as well.

When I had first met Harry I was instantaneously terrified of him, I didn't want him anywhere near me, I had heard the violent stories my friends would fill my ears with, but slowly and somehow I grew to be comfortable and open around him, and once he did as well, I couldn't believe how wrong everyone's perspective of him was, he had a hard shell which was used to ward off anyone who might've the slightest chance of hurting him, but once you got past that, there was a sweet, genuine and golden boy just waiting to be loved by someone.

People would often cast me sympathetic glances but they didn't know how gentle he was with me, how caring he was, how we played around together in the confines of our apartment, how once he sat through a whole Disney movie marathon because I was sick. I loved him, so much, and I felt so privileged to be one of few to know the real Harry, not the tough guy facade everyone else knows. Not at all saying he's not tough, God is he strong.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a arm was slung around my shoulder, a large smile came across my face thinking Harry had got back, but it slipped right off once I realised it wasn't at all Harry.

"Get off!" I cried out as my Sprite clattered to the floor and the drunkard began forcing his hand up my cotton dress. His fingers grazed my panties and his other hand had grabbed a tight hold of my breast which was sure to bruise. Tears slipped down my cheeks as I jabbed my elbow into his face as hard as possible, he howled in pain his grip loosening and I took it as my chance as i darted off down the stairs in the direction of where Harry went.

As I was rushing past dancing bodies i collided with a hard chest, i peered up and relief filled me once I saw it was Harry. However he looked angry.

"What are you doing, I specifically told you to stay-!"he cut himself off as I wrapped my arms around him and began sobbing  into his chest. His voice immediately softened as he lifted me up and began carrying me outside.

"Hey, hey. What happened? Baby, hush." He cooed as he moved me backwards as his eyes frantically searched my face and body for obvious injuries, I didn't miss the way his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes filled with fury upon noticing my dishevelled dress. He had clearly cottoned on to what had gone on while he was away. Before he could let the anger get the better of him I wrapped my arms securely around his waist and pressed my cheek into his chest while I sniffled sadly.

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