Teen rents. [REQUEST]

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I sighed as I got dressed for Uni looking at the peaceful looking Harry and our 2 year old daughter Bella, wishing I could join them two but unfortunately, Uni calls.

Maybe the fact that having a child at 18 wasn't smart but. . it's not like it was planned. . I leaned down leaving a soft kiss on Harry's unmoving lips and Bellas tiny forehead before heading out.

I worked my ass off, drank 4 coffees, took about bazillions notes, phoned harry and Bella twice, spilled one coffee and came home. Finally.

I stepped through the door dumping my bag on the ground just as I heard Harry shout.

"GET BACK HERE YOU LIL' MONSTEH!" I grinned knowing fully well that Bella could be quite a Handful when she wanted.

"Mummy!" a high pitched squeal was heard as Bella rushed forward as fast as her tiny feet would allow. I scooped her up and she wrapped we arms around me squeezing tightly.

"Daddy mad. Uh-oh." She giggled before burying her face in my chest. I laughed kissing her small brown curls.

"Why are you mad daddy?" I mocked as Harry came through the door panting, hair all ruffled and shirt stained with god knows what. He glared at my sarcastic tone before smiling brightly.

"Hi babe, how was Uni. Good? good. I'm mad because a certain someone over there hit me with their Lego." he pouted.

"Sowwy daaadyyy!" Bella shouted abruptly sliding from my body and rushing towards Harry. He gave her big sloppy kisses while I cooed.

"S'okay baby, S'all good."

I smiled softly before kissing Harry on the lips tenderly before going to change.

My life was crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world.

A/N: sorry I've been taking sooo long, but were both getting back on it like a car bonnet don't worry guysss!!


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