He makes you cry. [BSM]

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You're 3.

A shrill shriek left your mouth as you stomped your boot clad feet on the green room carpet waiting for harry, he was performing and you were hungry & not to mention sleepy. Lottie had been babysitting but had soon gotten tired of your outbursts. It wasn't your fault everyone had been tensed at the sudden disappearance of your favourite uncle, Zayn, including yourself, since he was your favourite and not seeing him for the last week had been weird and uncomfortable for your small head to cope with.

"That is it you little brat," Lottie snapped dragging you away backstage so harry could deal with you as the show was nearly over. You were still angrily mumbling words and stomping and dragging your feet as much as possible when harry and the boys came running through, all sweaty and hyped up.

"That crowd was insane, bro!" Your uncle Lou shouted as he patted your head, harry was last to bypass you and he was the only one who wasn't hollering and laughing with the others. Zayns departure had been the worst for him since them two were incredibly close and also since he was the youngest it put more pressure on them all. He sighed as he passed you with a small head ruffle.

"No!" You shouted stomping your feet and latching onto his arm as he began walking away.

"I hungry!" You whined trying to keep up with your older brothers long legs. He sighed shaking his arm away and picking up the pace clearly wanting to be left alone.

"Hawwy!" You whined on the verge of tears as all you wanted was food and then sleep something you had been deprived off for too long you thought.

"I slee-!" You went to yell when harry grabbed your arm and tugged you into a corner, the tears beginning to freely trickle down your chubby cheeks as you hugged your stuffed bear closer to your chest.

"You are beginning to get on my last nerve, do you hear me!" He yelled making you whimper in slight fright. "Stay there and do not move! What have I told you about throwing tantrums? You can sit in the naughty corner for an hour at least!" He shouted glaring at your big, glossy round eyes. You nodded meekly slumping down into the corner.

"B-but I hun-," you whimpered about to protest weakly when he cut you off by storming away, you stared at the spot where he had been for awhile before your face scrunched up and you burst into tears, you loud wails echoing around but no one was there to see as they were all off celebrating the end of another amazing night, usually Zayn would come to help you always letting you sleep on his chest if you were upset but he'd left you too. This only made you cry harder and soon you couldn't cry anymore and felt a headache coming on from lack of sleep and all the crying. Whimpering you curled up and cuddled up with you little bear and slowly cried yourself to sleep.

Harry's POV:

It had been half an hour and I had had a shower and was feeling in a better mood than when I came off stage. I looked around for my little bug realising she's probably still in the naughty corner, I cursed at my irresponsibility and cruelty as I jogged out back towards the stage, how horrid was I? She's 3 years old and I left her alone. I felt like shit, If mum saw she would positively kill me.

Running around the corner my heart broke seeing her curled up with her little bear hugged close and soundly sleeping, on closer inspection I could see the dried tear stains making my heart break even more. Bending down I scooped her up gently which caused her little catnap to be disturbed as she began to sit up in my arms.

"H-Hawwy?" She mumbled sleepily, I smiled softly pushing her brown hair away from her face.

"Hi sweetie," I cooed kissing her nose as she cuddled into my chest.

"Hawwy's very sorry, he was a very naught brother today," I said resting my chin on her small head softly as we walked back towards my room. Her stomach grumbled loudly and she whined as she sat up, her round eyes full of tears.

"I-I was hungwy," she whimpered quietly, I clenched my jaw at my horrid actions, shit, she'd been trying to tell me she was hungry and I dumped her in the corner for fucking ages. What a asshole I am.

"Oh, babygirl, Hawwy's very sorry, we'll go have some yummy food now, yeah?" I asked as she nodded kissing my cheek sweetly as she nestled her head back into the crook of my neck. I smiled softly at her cute actions as I carried her back.

A/N: if it's horrid then.... sowwy :)
Thank you so ssossoosisiss much for all the amazing support! You guys are incredible!

Ok, so I'm going to rant about Zayn so if you wanna skip then feel free :)

Okay, so I'm a bit pissed at him atm, not gonna lie,

1. Bc he hasn't bothered to say goodbye making it look like he simply doesn't give a shit about any of us which hurts, like I thought he was too upset but seeing pics of him in France he looks fine to me. We deserve more.

2. He let naughty boy rub salt in our bleeding wounds while we defend him wholeheartedly, he could've defended us somehow. Bless your pretty soul tommo 😘

Ok so yeah, I'm pissed and still heartbroken and all this solo career shit

B U T.
B U T.

THAT does NOT give people the right to say shit, like that bill dude comparing him to a terrorist and making a 'joke' excuse me you racist bitch. We may be heartbroken, pissrd whatever but Zayn Malik will always be in our hearts and we will slay anyone who gets in the way, I'm sorry but that's true. I still love him! I don't love what he's done but I love him and I reckon I always will so Yunno back off peeps.

If anyone read all that bless you

Ily and I'm sorry once again 🌚☺️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 xxxx

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