Party pooper. [Part 2]

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I'm trapped on a burning building while my boyfriend watches from below.
"Harry!" I scream, my voice hoarse from smoke and all of the yelling I've been doing. My tears are coming down faster now and all I can think about is how much I'll miss Harry if I. . Yeah. .

I don't want to consider that option but now it seems like there isn't much else to consider, all I can think about is how amazing of a human being he is and I hope after me he meets someone who will take care of him, who will love him like I do, who will always keep a inhaler  and a pack of painkillers with them because of his asthma and troublesome back. Someone who will make him his tea with golden syrup instead of sugar, someone who will let him be the little spoon from time to time because he enjoys being held more than he lets on, someone who won't let his heart hurt.

I sob into my hands I stare death practically in the face, the heat is overwhelming now and the floor beneath me seems to be shaking, I'll either be burned to death, or die from inhaling too much smoke or even be buried beneath this building when it collapses.

I stick my head out of the window with my last remaining energy and what I see forces a spark of hope inside of me that I might just survive, I might just be able to bury myself into Harrys firm chest once again. I see a fire truck has finally made it to where it is and there is a ladder that is being stretched upwards with a little container which has a man in it.

The flames are licking at my back now as the window shatters and I'm forced to stumble onto the narrow little platform with a balcony, I lean over the edge trying to inhale anything but all around me is thick smoke and I end up choking on it.

The ladder comes to a stop and the mean motions me to come forward and climb over the edge, I take one look back into the orangey fire before i scramble over the edge and fall into the container, I'm coughing when a thermal blanket is wrapped around me and a oxygen mask is strapped around my head. I can feel us moving downwards and all I can think about Is Harrys welcoming arms.

We get to the bottom I assume as people are suddenly taking me out and placing me on the cool floor, I can hear yelling and shouting and the sound of the building collapsing behind me.

"Move! Everyone move back!" I hear someone cry as everyone begins scrambling away from the building, a firemen comes to get me but someone with familiar ink nudges him to the side and tells him he's got it.

"Oh god, baby, you're going to be fine, I've got you." He cooes with a thick voice as he jogs over to the other side of the street where everyone else has gone. I weakly stare at the building watching as it collapses and turns into rubble faster than I could have imagined.


"Harry, I'm fine. Seriously." I say with a hoarse voice as I swat his hand away as it came to check my temperature again.

"I thought I'd lost you, you don't know how scared I was, babygirl." Be says cupping my face and kissing me gently on the forehead. I smile softly running my hands through his hair gently as I yawn feeling exceptionally tired.

"I know, Haz." I say as I shuffle over wincing in the process, Harry jolts to help me with eyes wide with concern and panic, I laugh softly as he settles down Letting me nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck.

"Worry wart." He scoffs quietly as he runs his fingertips up and down my back lulling me gently to sleep.

A/N: hi hello hi

I'm really happy the boys are going on a break bc they deserve it so much and we don't want them getting tired of what they do!

Question: should I make this as long as possible or make a book two? Hmm..


I love comments! :)

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