He saves your life.[REQUEST]

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Stepping out of my flat I bundled up in my warm coat and mittens, the summer had regrettably ended and the winter had very obviously begun. I pressed the button on the traffic lights and prepared to cross, when the beeping filled my ears I began making my way across when I heard my name being shouted from far behind.

I stopped and turned around bewildered and giggled slightly when I saw my best friend waving frantically at me from the park gates. Just as I was about to wave back, a loud horn filled my ears making my head turn towards the deafening sound. A large semi was charging uncontrollably towards me, too close to slow down.

My eyes widened in terror when suddenly I was being thrown backwards on hard pavement and someone nearly falling on top of me. I gasped and sat up just in time to see the semi rush past me. I looked up to see a red nosed, beanie wearing, boy.

"Christ, are you alright?" he asked as he helped me up.

". . Yeah, thanks to you, you. .saved me. ." I almost whispered in disbelief, was he an angel? well, he certainly looked like one. Bright green eyes and plump red lips and a cute button nose which was tinted red. Holy. . . He laughed humbly.

"Anyone would have." I grinned in response dusting snow off me.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked genuine concern lining his voice, I smiled bashfully and nodded.

"I'm sure, but you look quite cold. Come with me and I'll get you a coffee, I know that's no way to repay you but it's a start." His dimpled grin widened as he accepted.

"Coffees on me though." He said smirking, and that was the argument that lasted our whole further walk to the coffee shop and our whole upcoming relationship.

A/N:...hi? Don't hate me, I came back from holiday and was soo tired, got thrown into college and now are attempting to catch up *sigh* buuut I'll try to update more often!

Love you all. x

Don't worry, I won't stop writing this or any of my other books. xxxx

Harry styles imagines.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα