[REQUEST] Early baby.

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@Nightmagic19 this ones for you, you said to do a pref and @imaginee_styles_ just messaged me with a totally rad idea of doing a premature baby harry imagine so I combined the two! Bc sharing is caring right?

I stared through the glass at the tiny, tiny little angel sleeping soundly. My angel, I thought proudly. Except my angel had to come to us earlier than expected, too early, meaning her life was endangered, well not so much anymore-- but it was a week ago. I smiled softly as her cute tiny nose scrunched in her sleep.

"Our tiny baby." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. These last two weeks had been the most scariest weeks of my entire 22 years of living, the early birth had put both my girls in extreme danger of losing their life's and that was something that I didn't even want to think about. The amount of pain that Albana must have gone through nearly brought me down to my knees and if there's one thing I can't stand, it's seeing my pretty girl in pain.

I heard the door creek open and light footsteps stumble a little, I turned my head slightly before jerking up at who was standing there swaying on her feet.

"Baby!" I gasped rushing over and wrapping my arms around her to steady her.

"What are you doing out of your bed!?" I asked, panicked. She needed rest, what if this was hurting her, or or made it wors-

"Relax, Haz. It's OK, I'm fine, I just wanted to see you. . both." She said innocently looking up at me through her lashes. I grumbled under my breath.

"Well I'm carrying you back." She rolled her eyes, fondly patting my chest.

"You do that."

I helped her over to the incubator and we both stood admiring what our love had created, even if she was early.

"My pretty girls."

A/N: well I hope you both liked it lmao :--) a comment a day keeps the frowns away :3 *wink* xx

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