Superhero-o-oh. [PART 7]

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After the incident me and harry had become somewhat closer, well, in a way. I went everywhere with him, him keeping a strong grip on my wrist or hand at all times for protection purposes, I made breakfast and lunch, and he made dinner, we slept in the same room on the same bed because he said he's a heavy sleeper and wouldn't hear me if something were to happen. We kept a pillow between us.

"Harry where are we going?" I questioned with wide eyes as I peered up at him through my lashes, his hand was entangled tightly with mine and was empty of any affection or sympathy, we were in a car with 3 other heroes (I thinks).

There was Zayn, another guy called Bolt, and a girl called Claw, she was wearing cat ears and had been eyeing harry up since we entered the small space. I disliked her already.

Just saying, I'm his soul mate and there's no way she can even get a look in so why is she bothering? Not that I'm jealous or anything but it's a fact, he's got a soul mate. Ugh she radiated bitchiness.

Harry just shushed me quietly as he stared intently out of the window scanning the passing streets with those emerald eyes of his, which were very pretty I'd come to notice.

"Zayn stop!" Harry said abruptly making me jump, I saw Claw rolling her eyes at me as she leaned forward.

"What is it haz?" She questioned with a incredibly fake and put on innocent and fragile voice, I practically choked. And Haz? What bullshit is that?

He turned to look at the other 3 with a intense gaze.

"This is it." he breathes, I hear Zayn inhale sharply and claw smirks slightly, this worrying me greatly. Shes giving me a very bad feeling.

"Come on," I hear a Irish accent say from the front, bolt speaking up for the first time. We all exit the car harry roughly pulling me forward and wearily watching his surroundings.

We come to stand in front of a shabby house, well the whole street is shabby but.

Claw knocks confidently and when the door swings open the 2 boys grab the man at the door and twist his arms harshly behind his back and shove their way forward into the house. I timidly follow them shutting the door behind me.

Harry and Zayn promptly handcuff him to a chair while Bolt scopes the place out.

"Chelsea, go to the roof and keep a lookout," Bolt demands. So that's her name. I stand uncomfortably by the entrance of the house just awkwardly watching on.

"Come on Y/N, you can help me," she says in a overly sweet voice, i internally roll my eyes and before I can speak harry speaks up.

"No. She stays where I can see her," I grin a little when I see her jaw clench.

"She'll be safer and out of the way up there, hazza," she all but whines, I actually roll my eyes this time but I don't think she sees me, harry ponders before giving a curt nod. I gape at him.

"But ha-!" I go to protest but he gives me a warning glare that has me shutting my mouth and shrinking. So I reluctantly follow Chelsea up the stairs, and then up another set of stairs before we step onto the flat roof of this weird house. The cold air makes me shiver as I uncomfortably wander around towards the edge of the building, in awe at all the lights around us.

A harsh shove has me stumbling towards the edge and I scream turning on my heel and scrambling away from the edge. Chelsea cackles loudly with sick amusement.

"Don't know what he sees in you, oh well, you'll be replaced within a week," she says with a nasty look on her face. God, I knew she was faking the nice act.

Harry styles imagines.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें