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Year 3000

I sighed heavily as I wandered the streets in search of somewhere I could possibly buy some food to feed my growling stomach, although the possibilities were limited. Severely limited with the amount of money I carried with me. It was barely enough, it wasn't enough actually but this is what I got paid so this is what I would have to deal with. I suppose having parents who weren't subjected to the wave of experiments that washed through the world a few decades ago was pretty difficult and unfortunate, hence why they really did not want me after I underwent the injections as a small little six month old baby.

It was hardly my fault. But I guess it wasn't theirs either, they couldn't really stop it however it was their fault how they blamed me for it. A innocent little baby. So of course, when I reached the age of eighteen they would toss me away like trash after under feeding and mistreating me for the majority of my life.

I tugged the beanie further to cover the two annoyingly sensitive and twitchy kitten ears that were poking out of the top of my head. I wasn't ashamed of being a Hybrid, I mean as I said it wasn't my fault, it also came in handy at times but the main reason being that it was considered petty damn normal around here. Well, around the whole world actually.

A lot of people were hybrids. Of course by choice, I along with a group of others were a test run on wether the injections worked on babies-- which obviously they did, so we didn't have a choice but other than that it was as common as plastic surgery.

Some people were still freaked out by it, but that wasn't the reason why I stuffed my tail into my bottoms and wore my grubby beanie as often as possible. It was more just me being in a way conservative. People didn't need to know I was a kitten hybrid and plus, a kitten isn't exactly a top predator so I would be squashed by the other more powerful hybrids.

Just my luck right?

I sighed heavily feeling almost faint from hunger, as I came to the end of the street with no luck on finding a trashy place that would serve me cheap food. My nose crinkled as it sniffed out the most amazing smell coming from behind the building I was stood next to. I contemplated but then thought screw it as I slipped between the two buildings where it was considerably darker finding the back door of the Michelin star restaurant wide open.

My stomach growled loudly and my ears twitched beneath my beanie making me sigh in irritation and tug it off, stuffing it into my pocket. I scratched the itch that always formed whenever they rubbed against the beanie before I pondered over what to do.

Before a decision could be made a man appeared in the doorway in the process of removing his chefs hat and lighting a cigarette. I watched in awe at his dark tousled hair fell up to his collarbones, jawbone taut and firm. His clearly toned body adorned in tight fitted clothing.

He was so pretty.

His eyes then met mine making mine widen and take a few steps back in fear unsure of what his reaction would be to me lingering around here, my ears were pressed flat against my head as I quivered slightly. One from hunger and the other from fear. He was pretty but looked intimidating as hell.

"Who are you?" He asked roughly, voice husky as his eyes lingered on my reddish brown ears. I faltered for a minute having to try and remember my name.

"Uh- Y/N, t-that's me. . " I stammered casting my gaze to the ground, as I heard him shift on the wall he was leant against.

"What's a innocent kitten like you doing out at this time?" My cheeks flushed red at the name he had addressed me with and my tail sprung free from my jeans and began swishing the air behind me making me squeeze my eyes closed in embarrassment.

Harry styles imagines.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang