Superhero-o-oh. [PART 4]

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I was locked up in a room with a pacing titanium after undergoing numerous checks by numerous different people, some heroes, some heroines, some normal people? What were they looking at, they kept coming and gawking at the back of my neck, it was highly unnerving.

We had driven here, while I was blindfolded, apparently they can't let anyone know where 'HQ' is because it makes it open for attack or some shit. Yes, because I was going to attack them. Clever.

Back to the current situation.


"Sh." He hissed sharply continuing with his pacing, he looked to be deeply thinking about something and I was so confused, what was it about me that had everyone hyped up? I just wanted to go back to my trashed apartment and get it sorted so I could sleep peacefully.

I may think they're hot, but doesn't mean I want to be dragged to their so called HQ. Like no please.

"That is it." I huffed under my breath before slowly slinking out of the room when harry had his back to me. I jogged along the corridors trying to find my way out of the confusing place, it was just a large house I relalized when I stood at the top of a large marble staircase, hm. Hurriedly turning before I got found I rushed along the corridor and turned the corner to be met with some more marble stairs, I cast my gaze backwards and when I see it's clear I make a break for It up the stairs.

Once I'm at the top im panting like a dog because I am a unhealthy fuck, and I am also face to face with a door, the first door on the long corridor.

"Where is she!" I hear a faint shout from downstairs and some cluttering, my eyes widen and before thinking I barge into the room slamming the door closed and switching the lights on.


Well, with a bit of white, the room decor is simple, and dark. I'm a little afraid to find out who's room I've stumbled into, If they're anything like their bedroom then I'm scared, the feelings kinda intensify when I catch Harrys suit hanging off he closet door.

Ookay, so it's Harrys room.

Ha. My subconscious taunts as she smugly paints her nails. Wow, well this country really seems to have it in for me.

Taking a seat on the edge of Harrys bed I catch sight of a interesting looking pendant hanging off his nightstand, its a simple silver chain with a simple triangle outline hanging off it at an angle. Its so simple, and something about it is so intriguing as I reach my hand out to touch the strangely mesmerising jewellery.

I can hear shouts of my name getting closer but I feel as if im in a trance as I pick it up for closer inspection, something about this just feels so. . so. . special.

Something tingles on the back of my neck and before I can even register it my whole body is beginning to burn as I whimper in fright tossing the pendant away as I cry out in pain. I faintly hear the door slam open and a few shouts but all I can focus on is the intense pain spreading through every pore of my body and my gradually blurring vision.

"Shit! She touched it!"

"Mate, you have to!"

Soon arms are wrapping around me and arching my writhing self up and before my brain can even wake up a soft pair of lips are on mine, moving softly and sucking on my lips sweetly.

The burning dims and so does the arching of my body as I relax slowly, not even registering I'm being kissed my someone as I moan in exhaustion, the lips remove themselves and when I open my eyes I'm met with,


"Wha . .I. ." I'm utterly lost for words as I stare at him and Ash, my gaze flicking back and forth between them two. I sit up slowly as my lip quivers with fright. I just want everything to go back to normal, I don't want to be here, I want to go home. Tears fill my eyes as a sudden surge of homesickness fills me, I really want to go back, this country, this city has already caused so many problems I just want out.

"Don't cry." harry harshly spits.

"Harry." Ash snaps from behind in a reprimanding tone. "you can't run from this, explain it to her." He says firmly before slamming the door and leaving us alone, Harry sighs running a hand over his face. He sits on the bed next to me muttering things to himself.

"W-what's going on Harry?" I plead shaking his arm slightly with my hands to show my desperation for answers to my confusion, I wish I'd never moved to this damned place.

"I'm going to explain, and so help me god if you interrupt." He warns batting my hands away from his arm. I nod like a reprimanded child, nervous butterfly's fluttering around my stomach at whatever he's about to tell me.

He takes a huge breath shaking his head subtly before beginning.
"When a hero, or heroine, is born, they are born with a simple symbol, and there is only one person in the world with the same symbol as them," he says pausing and swallowing. Um, okaay, interesting but that's got to do with me how?

"You can choose wether to get a pendant made out of it, a tattoo, keyring, whatever the fuck you want but you must keep it with you,-"

"What's this got to do with m-" I speak up exasperated as I'm not receiving answers at the pace I would like.

"What did I say about interrupting?" He snaps glaring at me with green globes full of anger, i murmur a apology staring down at my knotted fingers as he carries on, this time his voice stiff with irritation.

"The other person is their Soulmate, and one way or another fate or whatever will bring them together again and again until they accept it." He sighs heavily again as if this is paining him to say.

"Normally, a Hero's soulmate will be another superhero, rarely ever a normal person as its too dangerous." I nods my head, still Unaware about why he's telling me this.

"You've got a symbol on the back of you're neck, identical. . to this, and this is my Symbol" he says holding up the triangle chain in his large hands.


A/N: not too cheesy right? >_<

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