Superhero-oh-oh. [PART 3]

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wrote this 4 times over. Love me.


A month had passed by since my dreadful run in with those bastards and the undeniably attractive Titanium, so maybe I had searched Google for topless pictures of him, so what. But, since we're on that topic, good lord, his body is, indescribable with those tattoos and the tan skin covering those toned muscles. Phew. Anyway, back then I hadn't really had the chance to gawk at him since, you know, I was kinda bleeding to death, retrospectively I wish I had manned up and stared more because, Google is not as good as the real thing.

I did my research on him, and the rest of the heroes, since I had no idea what went on with them, and found out there was like loads of them, some female some male, with varying strengths. Titanium being the strongest, and Molten being the weakest. When I say weakest I mean on superhero scale because even the weakest could crush me with their bare hands. But, Titanium has super strength which is like quadruple the strength of the strongest human, so he must of had to have been extremely gentle with me because he never hurt me.

My wound had healed sufficiently and I had started work last week, this time hailing a cab to and fro, which is a bank breaker and a major pain, but I'd rather break my bank than break my bones, Titanium won't always be there to save me.

It was midday Saturday-my favourite day- and I was curled up in my oversized favourite knitted jumper with my big life size teddy bear on the window seat with my favourite book. I adored days like these, sitting peacefully in my quiet apartment just reading or watching a good movie. I sighed happily and leant my head against the window.

I'd been reading for about 20 minutes when a loud gunshot like noise made me jump and drop my book to the floor, I peered out of my window with my hands splayed out either side of me and my nose touching the cool glass. It sounded so close, what the fuck was it? My heart rate had increased and my breathing was getting a little heavy, was this normal?

Out of nowhere something large and black came barreling towards my window, I screamed attempting to scramble away but it was coming so fast it was fruitless, the collision was much worse than expected upon the realisation It was a man in a black get up with back mist floating about him. I screamed as we both went flying backwards and into the wall behind me, his weight crushing my small body into the wall, I could feel little tingles of pain from the small cuts I got from bits of glass and I attempted to push the weight off me.

He too clearly eager to get off me scrambled to his feet and stood to his full height facing away, I had my eyes squeezed closed when I heard someone else land in my apartment. Oh god. I pried one eye open to see none other than Titanium standing proudly by my window.

"That was the last string Scorpio," he growled, the intensity and rage behind his voice making me shiver. This Scorpio dude cackled loudly before turning away from Titanium to face me, my heart did a flip flop at the unwanted attention.

"And whose this little angel?" He mockingly cooed reaching forward to grasp me by the arm and tug me in front of him, i whimpered at the harsh contact peering up pleadingly at Titanium. How on earth had my peaceful Saturday turned to this?

I saw him visibly tense and his jaw clenched even tighter upon recognising me.

"Let. Her. Go."

Scorpio cackled in my ear making me wince at the horrific noise as he wrapped one long, cold hand around my throat. My eyes widened and my heart was practically beating out of my chest as panicked tears fell from my eyes. Short gasps of breath leaving my mouth wishing I wasn't in this situation once again.

Completely petrified is a understatement as another hand wrapped around my throat subtly squeezing making my breathing patterns irregular--not that they were regular in the first place.

"H-harry," i whimpered unable to help myself as my eyes pleaded for him to somehow help me.

"Ooh, first name basis, can't let go of you now sweetheart," he cooed and laughed manically once again, his hands all of a sudden putting such force in my neck that my air supply was cut off completely, I began choking attempting to get air into my lungs, my hands grasping his and trying to get his grasp of me.

"Scorpio say Bye." I faintly heard over my fading hearing before the hands holding me immediately let go and I collapsed onto the floor, taking in large gulps of air like a fish back in water. I curled my body into the tiniest ball I could manage and closed my eyes attempting to abide by the law that if my eyes are closed i'm invisible.

Moments later a hand on my shoulder made me jump and bury my head into my arms further.

"Sweetheart." a gruff voice said from above, I relaxed slightly at the familiar term and slowly peeked up at two concerned faces staring at me. Titanium and Ash.

"Can you sit up babe?" Ash cooed softly as he gently began guiding my body off the floor. I sat up looking around at my trashed apartment sadly, what the hell was I going to do? And the broken window?

"Check her for any head or spinal injuries," Titanium demanded the olive skimmed Ash, he nodded complying to the order and sat behind me beginning to poke and prod me while muttering things to himself.

Completely overwhelmed I stared up at the Titanium who sat squatted down in front of me.

"Sorry this happened, I'll try to control where I throw assholes next time." He said with furrowed brows, I went to make a comment when a sharp intake of breath from behind me had harry rushing to see what Ash was looking at.

"No. Fuck, no." Harry spat jumping to his feet and began pacing back and forth running a frustrated hand through his hair.

"W-what's wrong?" I asked worriedly, my question being directed at them both. Ash patted my head softly.

"Nothing to worry about babe," he said kindly. I meekly nodded my head although I didn't believe him.

"Bro, what do we do?" Ash asked, harry bit his lip in thought, his green eyes watching me intensely.

"Being her back to HQ."


What do you think it issss?

I love yall, go read my other harry fics, um, Liam's speech killed me.


Lol night, love you. X

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