Gonna be a lonely pregnancy. [Request] [PART1]

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This one for you girl.

Please read A/N at bottom :*

I paced back and forth as I watched the clock tick, palms sweaty and heart jumpy I anxiously awaited Harrys arrival to reveal the good news. Being the age we were I was terrified at first, but after speaking to Gemma she made me realise that having a child with harry is something that would be out of this world and absolutely beautiful to witness.

I couldn't wait.

He was so damn good to children, Lux for example, she adored him, and him her. And I knew he would adore this baby and the baby would be spoiled and a total daddy's boy/girl. Oh my god, they need to have his eyes! Yes, his emerald globes that make me weak at the knees. I heard the muffled sound of a car door slam shut and then the front door open and shut. I let out a breathless little squeal as I lunged forwards and towards harry.

"Harr-!" I yelled excitedly as I bounded down the stairs but was cut off as he stood glaring at me heatedly.

"What's wrong, harry?" I asked quieter this time seeing his normal loving green eyes looking cold and harsh.

He laughed, a cruel, cold laugh that had me shaken to the bone. He tossed a magazine at me roughly, barely catching it between my fumbling hands I read the heading in the crumpled page he'd left open.


I would've taken the piss out of the rubbish heading if I wasn't so thrown off seeing a dash and my name typed next to it. What? I worked as a writer for a small company, editing manuscripts and sometimes writing my own pieces-- even though my dream was to become a music journalist one day but I didn't write this?

I read through the article seeing Harry's personal information and a inside out of him as a person all typed out for the world to see, they had stripped him bare. Leaving nothing to the imagination, it was ruthless and it was things that the world didn't need to know about harry. And he thought I'd done it.

"H-harry, baby, no. T-this wasn't me, I would never-" I began rambling, tripping over my sentences to try and get my point across as fast as possible. Tears built in my eyes as he shook his head.

"Should've known it was all for that. Bloody daft prick I am." he mumbled to himself as he turned away towards the door.

"Harr-" I cried.

"No. You've blown it. Don't. . don't get in touch, and I'll give you a week to leave this apartment and my life. For. .for good." He muttered gulping back his tears. My heart shattered as I fell to my knees, my legs giving way.

"N-no, harry! I-I need you. . t-this baby needs you!" I yelled out but it was too late, he was already out the door and didn't catch a word of what I had helplessly cried out. I sobbed curling up at the bottom of the stairs clutching my stomach and chest. The pain was overwhelming, never have I ever cared or loved someone as much as harry and now some bogus article that I had nothing to do with has ripped us away from each other.

"Harry. ." i whimpered as I lay on the cold hard floorboards. How was I supposed to raise a baby alone? Who was going to hold my hand during labour? I cried even louder at these thoughts as I repeatedly whimpered his name pathetically.
I had been left alone in the big wide world with a child to raise, and I knew I wouldn't make it out alive without harry. I couldn't. My heart breathed for him, pulsed for him. I loved him with every single cell and now. .he hates me. My heart broke a little more if possible at the thought.


Yay! Update!

Okaaaay, so how do you delete a chapter off the mobile app? Pls help

Secondly, I just posted the prologue of a new book which I Am VV excited for! It's called ARRANGED WITH STYLE
After reading this and commenting your dear hearts out pls go read it! It'll only take a minute and maybe drop a comment or two, LEMME know what Ya think!

Omg so much Twitter drama lately

Louis hacked

Unfollowing modest

Niall an melly

Harry died

Liam drunk and louis too

Louis saying I'm gay lol (which I later found out that's not WhaT he said)

Louis' and egg.

Wow this fandom, what a great time to be alive

Love you all 🌹🌹🌹😊😊😊😊😊🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 happy late Valentine's Day who needs boys when you have me 😁🌚🌚

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