Rugby Player.

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I sat on Harry's lap sideways with my nose buried in his neck as his expansive hand rubbed my back. His knee pads were to the side of him on the bench waiting to be worn by him before the game. Harry loved rugby, he loved playing it, he loved watching it and he was pretty popular as well. However, he was a very protective person, always has been, especially over the women in his life, me being one of them. The others being his sister and mother.

He had a game against a international team in the large stadium we were currently at, the crowd was wild outside tonight and both teams were riled up with a bit of bad blood between both teams from a previous match. Everyone always stared whenever they saw me and Harry together somehow not being able to wrap their heads around how Harry, who was known to be pretty ruthless on the pitch, could be with someone as small and delicate as me. My small height and just how average and normal I was came as a surprise for people, but me and Harry were incredibly happy with each other and I loved him a lot, he may be ruthless on the pitch but he was always so gentle when it came to me and always so careful as to not hurt me with his strength.

"Please be careful," I whispered leaning back so I could look at his handsome face, he grinned, a deep dimple popping up.

"I always am, baby." He said sweetly rubbing our noses together making me giggle quietly. I shyly connected our lips in a soft kiss making Harry smile into it as our lips moulded into each other's perfectly, his tongue sweeping across my bottom lip making a breathless whimper leave my throat as his tongue gently teased mine, his large hands buried in my hair. He pulled away breathlessly before leaning back to peck my lips softly a few times before he kisses my forehead softly.

"Be careful in the stands, okay?" He murmured with concern as his green irises scanned my face fondly. I smiled leaning up so I could press a kiss to his forehead.

"I will, don't worry about me. Tom will be there, just focus on the game," I replied. Tom was Harry's good friend who always sat with me during Harry's games as he was worried that I might get hurt in the crowd of mostly rambunctious men, and he was worried the fans from the opposition team might recognise me as his girl and try to hurt me to make a dig at him. That was his reasoning anyway.

His eyes flickered up to the clock and he flashed me a small smile.

"It's time for me to go, I love you," He breathed cupping my cheeks with adoration. I smiled, a pink blush spreading on my cheeks. A cheerful humming was beginning to echo down the hallway leading down to the empty changing rooms we were currently sat in, alerting us of Toms impending arrival.

"I love you too," I said with a bright smile as we both stood up just in time to meet Tom around the corner.

"C'mon you lot," he said playfully rolling his eyes, Harry knocked into his shoulder in response playfully as we passed him. Our hands breaking off from each other as he slipped his mouth guard in and tied his knee pads before tilting my chin up for a innocent kiss. He fist bumped Tom his face growing serious as determination to win set in his features before he rounded the corner and left the changing rooms.

"C'mon, let's go. Don't wanna miss the start of your boyfriends game do we?" He said as we linked arms, his words making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up Tom."


The crowd was exceptionally wild tonight and it had Harry on edge, I could see him constantly glancing up to my row of seats but I wished he'd focus on the game, I didn't want any of the opposition to take advantage of his distraction. Although, he couldn't actually see us because of the distance he kept glancing in my general direction.

My attention was suddenly grasped as I watched Harry run with the ball clutched firmly making his way, expertly tackling and dodging the people coming his way. I tensed up watching as he charged forward, the crowd erupting in loud cheers as he scored.

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