idk how to title PART 2

241 15 43

*hey guys!! Everything is all good :) sorry for the delay. I AM GOING OVER TO MY FRIENDS HOUSE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS. this is the friend who dropped breadsticks off at 9 pm at night.


(My photography up top)



Izuku sat in Todoroki's lap, calming down. It was the worst panic attack he's had yet.

Izuku tried to keep his breath even as shoto texted on his phone. A few minutes later he felt himself being lifted up.

"Lets all go stay the night at Aizawa's. I know you'll feel safer there. I cant imagine having something like this happen... And then having to sleep in the same bed you did when you were practically dying... Well. I can. And I know its gonna help for both of you to get out of this house. Aizawa okayed it. He understands. So lets go."

Mrs. Midoriya nodded, she wasnt comfortable either. "Thank you so much Todoroki. It means so much. " she said.

Izuku just clung onto Shoto, sniffling and hiccuping.

Mrs. Midoriya was driving to the adress and Izuku was still cuddled up to Shoto in the backseat. "Shoto.... I wanted to again." He whispered, his lip quivering.

"What?" Shoto whispered back to the smaller boy. There was soft music playing from the car speaker. "I wanted to cut again." He whispered. Shoto's hug tightened. "It'll be okay. Please dont do it. Let me know and Ill help you."  Izuku nodded, "I love you." He said through fresh tears, "you came to help me at 2am and I- I dont deserve someone as amazing as you shoto." Shoto smiled, pulling the boy into a kiss as they pulled into the driveway.

Shoto carried Izuku in and showed Inko to her room. Mr. Aizawa and Mic took one look at Izuku and could tell it was bad.  They nodded solemnly and let them off to shoto's room. It was still simple but had some of his own touches to it. A few posters and some plants he had cared for.

Shoto set Izuku down on the bed and then sat next to him. "I'm sorry.." Izuku said quietly, "Im sorry I cause you so much trouble. Im trying to get better... But its just-"

Shoto looked at him wide eyed before pulling him into a hug, "nonono... Its okay. Just keep trying and I'll be here to help you. I love you and you love me and people who love eachother will always be there for eachother." He said.

Izuku just buried himself in Shoto. He felt safe with him. 

The two fell asleep peacefully that night, safe in eachothers arms.


Todoroki was awoken by the opening of his door. He opened his eyes to see Aizawa and Mic holding a phone, "this is going in a frame." Mic said.

Todoroki was spooning Midoriya, it was adorable, but shoto was still embarrassed.

Izuku stayed asleep the whole day, no matter how much shoto moved he was out cold.


A few days later the two went back to school, Izuku was not ready for this day to come and he never would be.

They walked into the gates and were immediatly bombarded with questions. Izuku was just unfortunate. Wasnt he?

Thankfully shoto was there to help him through it, though he couldnt answer a lot of peoples questions.

"What happened?"

"Why were you gone?"

"Are you okay?"

Shoto helped him through it all.

It was a rough first half of the day, but he got through it alright. There was a time he had to step out because it got too loud, but Aizawa, aka best teacher ever and seriously needs an award, settled them down.

They got to lunch and Todoroki, Ida, Midoriya, and Ururaka sat together. They all ate their lunch and he had started to explain some of what happened to them. They were his closest friends and they deserved to know.

But he started to cry, he tried to hide it but failed. "You dont have to continue if its too much-" Ida started.

"Heroes aren't supposed to cry." Izuku replied, trying to hide his tears.

"I think heroes cry when they need to. Here, want some of my soba?" Todoroki offered.

(My favorite moment I had to include it.)

After nomming some soba and explaining the outer brim of what happened lunch finished and they went back to class.


They were doing their physical training portion of the day. Izuku was allowed to skip because he still had some pretty major damage to his torso. He wasnt ready to be way too physical again or show himself to the class yet.

So he sat out, staying in his uniform and pondering life, its meaning, the meaning of his existence. And he did some homework.

He looked up to observe what was happening to the others. Bakugo and Kirishima were fighting, he cringed as Bakugo aimed an explosion right at Kiri's stomach. He felt his own bandaged torso and flinched.

Mic came over and sat next to him, familiar with what his movements and expressions could mean.

"Hey kiddo." He said.

Izuku looked up, "Oh hey Present Mic!!"

"How was school today?" He asked.

They kept a light conversation for the rest of time there. Izuku was thankful for all the people he had in his life.

(This made me think of the mogami arc in mob psycho 100...  :,( iNspIrAtiOn)

I'm getting my chapter numbers back up!

D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now