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"I dont like you izuku..." Todoroki says. My heart drops and I start getting that feeling again. The feeling that made me jump. The feeling that got me here. The feeling that crushed me. Hurt me. Tortured me from the inside.

"I love you, please don't leave me."

Something lights up in me. A spark, starting a fire and banishing the darkness. I feel a smile take over my face. A genuine smile. I feel one cold hand and one warm hand on my face and suddenly I'm being pulled closer to todoroki. I panic, not used to good physical contact from other people other than my mom. I look up and see a slightly hurt look on his face. I start apologizing, tears forming in my eyes. He pulls me into a kiss. I'm shocked at first but he pulls me close and I melt. It feels so nice. I feel so safe. We break away after a while and I fall asleep in todoroki's arms.


A few minutes later...



Izuku has been peacefully sleeping in my arms for a while. Mrs midoriya comes back in and looks at us. She always seemed so nice, i wonder if she will be supportive, unlike my dad. She just smiles a little and sits down. I cant read her, I cant tell what she's thinking.

"Mrs. Midoriya?"

"Please hon, call me inko." She says meekly.

"Can you... Read izuku's note to me?"

She nods a little and reaches for the note. I watch as her eyes scan the page for a minute and then look up at me.

"Izuku is-"

"Gay..." I finish. "So if - do you support him?"

She waits a minute but nods.

"It'll be different but I will always love my izuku the same."

I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. He'll be safe with her. I hug izuku close and I feel her looking at us.

"Do you like him too?"

She smiles a small smile at me. I look at her and then nod a little. She sniffles a little, "Izuku will be so much happier with you." She says through held back tears. I suddenly remember that Izuku hasnt seen his mom again yet. That may be hard for him to face but i'll be here every step of the way.


It was comfortable. A peaceful sleep when a dream intrudes. Of course I only realized it was a dream when I woke up. It started with me and Todoroki and then for some reason we started delivering dreams like in the movie the BFG but then the big mean giants came and took todoroki. And I was all alone again and it felt horrible. And then I was back at home in my bedroom and I was hanging a pride flag up for some reason and my mom came in my room and pulled it off the wall with her quirk and handed it to kachaan. I dont know when he showed up but he was wearing a sweatshirt and eating a peep. Mom handed the flag to kachaan after he finished eating the peep and he blew it up while telling me how wrong being gay was and how I shouldve died when I jumped and then I was in the dark, all alone again, In a corner and in the dark something was watching me I could feel it but I couldnt escape because I was in a corner but I couldnt see the corner it was just black everywhere and there was a hand and it was grey and it touched me and I screamed. I screamed and jerked awake in a sweaty, panicked state. It was a dream. It was a dream.

(This is the reality of dreams you all.)


I notice izuku start to fidget a little in my arms and his heart moniter beeps a little faster. He looks uncomfortable, in pain. He whimpers a bit. I notice how sweaty he is and activate my ice side a little to cool him off when he suddenly jerks awake screaming. He looks around frantically, breathing heavily. I pull him close, keeping him from moving around too much. He seems to realize it was a dream when he sees his mom and I feel him shaking in my arms and I have the overwhelming need to protect him. He starts crying and his mom starts calming him down, I can tell how naturally it comes to her. Shes a good mom. I long for that kind of parental figure.


I start crying, I cant help it. I'm terrified. I see mom and she starts comforting me but I just cry harder. She isnt gonna accept me for who I am. I know I like shoto. I really like him... I like like him. I want to be with him because I love him. I hug shoto when I hear a doctor come in saying that visiting hours where over, momma is alowed to stay but I beg. I beg for shoto to stay. Eventually they give in and I hug him. But I'm stuck and I cant tell her. I cant fall asleep again, but im so tired. I think todoroki catches on because he says, "it's ok.. If you start having a bad dream i'll wake you up." And gives me a calm little kiss on the forhead. Im wide awake now despite the pure exhaustion im feeling. My eyes land on my mom and she gives me a small smile.

"Its ok-?" I stutter out. And she nods and gives me a reasurring small smile and I grin big, wiping teary eyes with the heel of my hand. I fall asleep again.

I dream that I'm in the room again. The dark room. The hand. All of it. Except im pulled out of it this time. By shoto. Just like he promised.


Izuku falls asleep in my lap and I fall asleep as well. Until a few hours later I wake up to my phone buzzing. I pick it up. The contact says:

Trash on fire

I have about 3.7 billion texts from my unfortunately father. All asking where I was. I decide to answer with...

"My friend is in the hospital. I'm staying the night like a good friend and developing the qualities of a hero you will never have."

I smirk, knowing itll cost me later but it was totally worth it. I feel a shift in my lap and whimpering. I slowly start to shake izuku. I shake him a bit harder and call his name. I see his eyes open and sigh in relief. "Hey- its ok.. Shh..." I say but he buries himself in me.

"Something feels off shoto...." He says to me and it gives me a eerie feeling and makes the hairs on my neck stand up.

Something feels off....

D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now