ow ×2 + stab part 2

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Dabi slowly descended the stairs, not looking forward to cleaning up toga's mess. He flipped on the lights, "jeez its so f cking dark down here." Dabi said. He finished walking down to the dark basement and to izuku's room. Half room? He didnt know what to call it. It wasnt a cell, the best way he could describe it was a half destroyed office that shigaraki tried to rebuild. (He was pretty successful cuz he aint got out yet.) He spotted midoriya and tightened his grip on the small first aid kit. He wasnt about to torture the kid. He became a villian for one reason and this kid wasnt on his bad side. He observed midoriya as he approached his room. The poor kid was so skinny and leaning against the wall with a knife so deep in his leg that only the handle was showing. Midoriya spotted Dabi and his eyes immediatly grew wide with fear. Dabi approached slowly, saying, "its fine I'm not gonna hurt you. Im here to clean up Toga's mess."


I looked at the kid, he looked like he had lost a good quarter of his blood already, a huge puddle of blood, pooling beneath him on the floor. The kid keeps watching me as I approach him.

"Its fine. I'm not gonna hurt you, (on purpose). I'm here to clean up Toga's mess." I said, rolling my eyes. The second I got in the vicinity of his cell (?) He started trying to get away. This resulted in the knife shifting in his painfully deep wound and him yelling in pain. "Kid, you gotta be quiet." I say. I set down the first aid kit and position him in place. He's shaking. "Do you even know why you're here?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "n-no." I nod a little, side eyeing him as I reached for the knife. I tighten my grip and try to pull it out, its in there good. The wound is gushing blood even more now. The kid had screamed when I tried to yank the knife out and now he looked pretty close to loosing consciousness. I curse under my breath and give the knife another good tug, "stay awake kid." I say harsher than I meant. I manage to get the knife out with more yelling from the kid. I quickly try to wrap it up but he's loosing consciousness.

"Gosh Toga you've really done it this time." I say, almost yelling.



Dabi has been helping me. Hes tried to rip the knife out of my thigh a few times and he finally got it out. Hes telling me to stay awake. Im trying, but black blur is starting to crowd my vision. Im dizzy out of my mind and it feels like I'm floating. I cant see anymore and I feel myself loose conciousness.


Dabi watches as the boy inevitably looses conciousness. He finishes wrapping his thigh tight, knowing it hasnt stopped bleeding, but he isnt a medical professional and doesnt know what to do. Dabi gets him another glass of water and walking back up the stairs.

Dabi left the lights on.


Todoroki hasnt been able to focus in class lately and class 1A still didnt know where Izuku Midoriya was. They had all been worried, especially Ochaco Ururaka, a close friend of Midoriya's, and an observant boy, who noticed Todoroki's out of character behavior and was worried for the health and condition of his friends, Tenya Ida.

Todoroki sat in class, a monotone expression on his face. Even Aizawa had been acting a bit strange. Ida picked up on this and knew something bad had happened to Izuku Midoriya.


It was lunch time and Ida decides to ask Todoroki what the problem was. Ida approached Todoroki, who was reading a book and sitting alone, and sat down with his lunch tray. Todoroki wasnt really focused on his book but he was trying to be. Ida started a conversation, as a book nerd he was able to tell that Todoroki wasnt lost in his book. "Todoroki? Has something been on your mind lately? You've been different since Midoriya's absence." Todoroki just sat there, as silent as ever. "Yes." He answered after a while. "Would you like to talk about it?" Ida asked politely, "as your friend im always here if you need assistance." Todoroki thought carefully before speaking, "You'll find out soon enough..." He said eerily. "Is Midoriya ok?" Todoroki was visibly a little shaken up by his mention and he shook his head. "Todoroki! Are you alright?" Ida expressed concern for his friend, moving to sit next to him in a more friendly and less buisness like, proffesional manner. "Im afraid I can't share the details at the moment." Todoroki said quietly, a pang of sadness in his voice. Ida knew something was up.

Little did they know that this situation was much bigger than they imagined.

Ida gave Todoroki a hug, something Ida would never do if he wasnt sure he could. Despite them not being the closest, they had been through a lot together and he had, after all, saved him from the hero killer, stain. Ida could only hope that Midoriya was okay, usually things like this didnt bother Todoroki so much.


The next day

Izuku was lying on the cold groud of his holding chamber, someone had either turned the lights back off or he was stuck in his dream state. He tried to move but a searing pain was sent from his thigh all the way up his side. He clenched his teeth and bit his cheek to keep from yelling. He waited for several hours, just lying there in the pure dark. He mustve drifted off to sleep at some point, because thats when he saw her.

The villian who helped kidnap me. Izuku thought. He was surrounded by dark and he could only see himself and the other villian. The other villian, nightnapper, approached the young boy. The villian had the most disgustinf grin on her face. It was horrifying, a look that left no trace of hope in Izuku. Izuku was able to realize he was dreaming, "what do you want from me!?" He asked, yelling at the villian. Suddenly the villian was no longer in front of him, but behind him. He got slammed to the ground, "You know I can make that knife go back in your thigh." The villian snarled, "this is a dream and you are under my control"

Izuku couldnt get the image of her purely evil look out of his face. He knew that to get out of her control he had to wake up, and then stay awake.

"Dont go thinking that if you wake up you can escape." She laughed, "I can keep you in a sleep paralysis state." She smiled that creepy smile again. Izuku felt hopeless. He felt weak. He couldnt get out. He was so worthless.

The villian grabbed his chin and pulled it up. "So are you excited to meet the boss?" She said, "I may as well talk to you while I have you under my control. Maybe get some info outa ya. Anything to be useful to my dearest tomura." She was so loyal to the dark side and it left a bad feeling in Izuku's gut. "I- " the small boy with forest green hair glared at the villain, "all for one." He said.

"Don't glare at me. " she snapped in a threatening tone. "Yes, All for One... How did you know you little brat." Izuku was suddenly pinned up against a wall by the villain, who we must note was significantly taller than him. "I- uh-" Izuku stammered. "SPILL YOU NERD" suddenly the villian was bakugo. And he was cornered again.

All over again.

The dream bakugo fired explosions and singed his clothes. Izuku needed to wake up. He was starting to feel it all over again. The things that made him jump.

Suddenly, it all stopped and the villain was back. "The weaker you are the easier this will be."

Izuku woke up with the villian next to him. He was wide awake, the pain in his leg very real. He was frozen in place. Stuck in sleep paralysis.


Todoroki approached Aizawa before school. Aizawa was working and getting locations for where Izuku may be. Aizawa paused when he saw Todoroki stumble in.


I was doing work, in a decent mood because we have a lead on where the problem child may be. I heard the door to the classroom open, I looked up and saw Todoroki. I was concerned, noting his condition. He had a large bruise on his right side of his face, the blueish purple tint standing out against the white features on that side of his body. He looked shaken up. I immediately got up when he just stood there and started to cry. "Woah woah boy what happened. " I say. Ive never seen Todoroki so shaken up before. He tries to explain but its all peiced apart. "Dad- and - training- sis- fire. Hurts." I always knew endeavor was a tough dad, but I think the whole Izuku situation and the pressure at home had finally gotten to him. I quickly close the door and pull the kid into a hug, "shh your safe here. This is a safe place. Are you hurt?" I say.

"Its just the bruise.. And my lip..." He had a split lip and the bruise, but that was it as far as I could see. "Look Todoroki, lets go to recovery girl and then you can tell us what happened.. Okay? This is a safe place."


The boy just nodded and they walked in silence except for the occasional hiccup from Todoroki.


A/N this hurt to write y'all. Also no plot so enjoy the chaotic randomness of angst that im piling up on the spot without remembering really what im writing. :,)

D.E.K.U. (Unfortunate izuku x todoroki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin