base raid part 2

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Mirio basically threw himself out of the hospital bed the second he was concious, yelling, "NIGHTEYE!" He nearly tipped over his IV pole and nurses came to help him. After some begging the sympathetic nurses took him to his teacher...

Mirio couldnt believe his eyes, it was horrifying. Awful. Terrible. He had tubes everywhere, he was bandaged and bruised. He had an oxygen mask.

He looked horrible.

Mirio felt tears come to his eyes and soon he was next to his teacher, crying. All Might and a few other heroes that had helped were there. For once Mirio wasnt happy.

His teacher looked at him, activating his quirk, "you are going to become a fine hero Mirio. A great hero.." He said. Mirio heard a long beep and a delicate exhale from his mentor. "NO!" he yelled. "Come back!!" Mirio tugged at his arm a little, "no-" He wasnt the only one in the room crying. He noticed a deflated all might crying as well. Soon they were all out of the room and Mirio was brought to be with his two best friends, Nejire and Tamaki. He got a big hug from the both of him as sobs racked his ribcage.

It was a bittersweet moment for the group of 3.

--about 2 days later--

Izuku was broken and battered, on the inside and out. All for One had been trying to get the power from him and trying to turn him to the villainous side.

He had given in to neither, silently enduring the abuse, the blood, the hits and the kicks. Bearing the mental and physical pain without a support. He would crumble any minute now. He was weak.

He hadnt slept in days but All for One hadnt been here either. So he just sat in eerie silence. Until he fell asleep again.

But he was tortured with nightmares. Dreams about death and blood and gore. About what would happen if he followed in his fathers footsteps. Deku Jerked awake in a cold sweat. The stomping of his feet on the cold concrete echoing through the dark corridors of the small base.

He didnt sleep after that.

Until he heard a door open. He expected it to be a villain but he heard familiar voices. Heroes. They found him. He tried to yell but his voice came out a small whisper, hoarse from difficult usage.

--before that in a different place--

It was the day after and Tsukauchi was in Eri's room. She knew Izuku. And she could help. That poor kid had been through so much more than she needed to. And yet she still helped. She still tried her best.

She managed to give them vague directions and key pointers about what the place Izuku was most likely at looked like. Mirio had to stay behind with Eri for injury related reasons. But Todoroki was allowed to come as well as eraser head.

---There---( because I'm lazy as heck)

Todoroki saw the old battered building and watched as All Might and a few other pros went in to search the seemingly unstable building. Todoroki was helping keep gaurd with Aizawa.


Izuku tried to yell for help, but his voice came out hoarse. He kept trying, forcing himself to get something out when finally he got a yell loud enough to hear. "HELP" he screamed hoarsly.

He heard voices getting closer and forced himself to yell again. "HERE"


Izuku gasped as he saw All Might trying to talk again but failing. He was crying, overwhelmed with a plethora of emotions. All might scooped the small, weak boy in his arms and held him firmly, then yelled, "IVE GOT HIM"

The boy saw the blinding light of the sun for the first time in a long long time. He saw his teacher, he saw the flashing lights of police cars and ambulances. He saw the familiar face of a boy with bi-colored hair and eyes. But he couldnt smile. He was exhausted, be was hungry, and he was still scared.

He was still scared. Even amidst the people who had worked so hard to save him he felt unsafe. What if they were all fakes. What if they were villains in disguise. The boy was shaking and hyperventilating as the hero who was holding him sat down and comforted him. Izuku watched through blurred vision as his friend ran toward him.

He just shook and cried as he was embraced in the warm hug of his friend. He was safe but the pain still lingered. The fear still lingered.


Its about 800 words, short, but im tired. Ill add more soon just let me sleep lmao. May be starting a collab book soon :)

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