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These dreams. Wierd cryptic dreams mixed with normal nightmares. The black room. The hand. They gray, crusty, dry hand. Like it could kill anything it touched. The room made me want to fizz away. The darkness so ominous and scary. So big and mysterious and yet I was trapped there, unable to move.

"Something feels off...."


Over the next few days I continued to have the same nightmare every night. I never got all the way through it though... I never found out what happened. And so came the day I got to go home. My injuries healed, things still unofficial between me and shoto. My mom still overprotective.

I had an awkward and short meetup with Kachaan. In which he apologized and we stood thier in awkward silence until our parents where done talking. Its the calmest ive ever witnessed him.


I walk into my room and stare at my bed. Cold and unwelcoming. Shoto had to go home because of his dad. I lay down. Its stuffy in my room so I crack open my window. I lay on my bed, browsing Instagram. I look on the class groupchat. I have 2086 texts from it. I look through a recent thread.


+32 from Pikachu ^

Pikachu: hi

Pikachu: hi

Pikachu: hi

Pikachu: hi

AlienQueen: where are midoriya and todoroki?????

Sonic: Please stop spamming the groupchat, Denki. Also Mina, I'm sure they will both be back soon. Whatever thier cause may be, I will try contacting them to make sure everything is alright.

Uravity: jee Ida so formal😂

Grapeboi: I bet thier doing something together.

Grapeboi: like making out or some gay shit.

Sonic: Mineta!!! That is extremely inappropriate!!! You should respect Their privacy and refrain from using curse words!!!

Grapeboi has been removed from the chat by Froppy.

Froppy: hes so annoying.


I frown and put my phone down aftet shooting a text to shoto.



I walk through the door nervously, expected to be greeted by yelling and hot fire but am instead greeted by my sister, fuyumi.

"Where's dad." I demand.

She smiles a bit, "out for hero work." She smiles sweetly. "Come on, i made cold soba." I smile a bit, relieved.

"So, is this the kid you had a crush on?"
I just nod a little. "Does he like you back?" I nod again.

"OMG Shoto Im so happy for you!!! Thats awesome!!" She says excitedly.

"What if dad finds out...." I cant get it off my mind. What if what if what if.

"He wont. Ill make sure. You have my word." She says calmly. "It'll be ok shoto." I nod a little, checking my phone. Its from Izuku.

"I cant sleep can we ft"

I smile a little and facetime him, he picks up almost immediatly.

I pick up to a shirtless izuku under the covers of his bed.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi" he says back.

Fuyumi sneaks herself into the shot behind me and says hi. Izuku gets flustered, being shirtless even though only his shoulders were showing.

"I'm fuyumi, shoto's sister! Nice to meet you midoriya!" She goes back to washing the dishes.

"Nice to meet you too." He says quietly.

"You ok?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"Why cant you sleep? Its really late."

"I dunno. Its stuffy in my room. I'm tired but my brain wont go to sleep and if my brain doesnt go to sleep neither do my eyes even if they want to and then I have to keep my eyes open because Im scared and-"

"Itll be ok. I promise there is nothing that can hurt you. Your mom is home and she will make sure everything is ok." I say reassuringly.

He smiles a little and nods, "ok.. Goodnight shoto."

"Goodnight Izuku."

I hang up.


Izuku could feel the light breeze flowing through his window. He focused on the breeze and closed his eyes, holding his phone, knowing that if something happened all the communication he could ever access was right there in his hand. His eyes started to get droopy and he fell into a dreamless sleep. Shoto had gone to bed after the call as well, letting his favorite meal last in his mouth as he fell asleep reading a book on his bed, lamp still on.

A few hours later Izuku woke up. No dream. He wasnt sure why he woke up. It may have been a feeling. A gut instinct. He woke up in fight or flight mode, his heart pounding, glancing around him every second he could. He tried to go back to sleep but had this feeling that something was very very wrong. He stayed for a few more hours, the feeling of fear too great for him to close his eyes. He had no idea why he felt like this but his body was frozen and he wasnt about to scream for his mom and wake her up for no reason.


A few days earlier....

"Its all coming together" an ugly smile grew across shigaraki's face.

"Soon we'll have master dealing with that kid" kurogiri said to the hand man.

Shigaraki laughed evilly and scratched his neck. Toga walked in, ruining shigaraki's moment of evil laughter. "Your so crusty" she said to him blandly, then left.

"WHY YOU-" he reached with all his fingers to toga but kurogiri pulled him back. "Save your strength for the days to come..... Soon we'll have his kid."

The blue haired man child scratched his neck and laughed, the sound echoing across the empty walls of the abandoned pub.

"Master will be very pleased."



2:46 am is the last time I looked at the clock before I fell asleep again. Little did I know that falling asleep that night would be one of the worst mistakes of my life....

I fell asleep and had the dream again. The dream... But this time it felt too real. It felt too real. I tried to move but I was stuck and I tried to scream but no sound would come out. I saw the hand. It came closer, a black sleeve following it out of the rest of what seemed like infinite black mist. And then I saw it.

He smiles and placed his hand on my face. This time, the pain was real.

I wake up to see shigaraki with his hand over my face.

He smiles a skin crawling smile at me.


(Hey if your enjoying this story so far leave a vote to let me know! No pressure! Writing tips are always appreciated :)

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