the truth part 2

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--just started watching yuri on ice--


GayYYYyY 👌👌👌👌👌👌


Tsukauchi looked to the shaking boy who was being hugged by Todoroki, continuing to ask questions. He got the information he needed for the investigation but now they needed to get the information so they could better help with Izuku's recovery. This was the hard part...

Izuku and Hiro had disconnected contact and Tsukauchi started to explain the next step, "so izuku, this is the part of the session where we need to know what happened to you. We all want to help and knowing firsthand what happened to you is going to let us get you on the best route." He gave a solemn smile. Izuku nodded a bit, this had been hard already, but now, he had to relive the hardest parts. He felt weight on his shoulders and realized Todoroki was hugging him from behind to pull him back into reality. Izuku exhaled sharply and nodded a bit.

"Alright, take is through everything. You can stop whenever you need to."

Hiro put his hand on top of Izuku before he was really ready to start. Aizawa stared at the screen, observing the scene. It looked like it was in middle school. He saw Bakugo approaching Izuku who was writing in his notebook. Aizawa tensed up as he saw a bright flash of light and realized it was one of bakugo's explosions. He watched as he proceeded to tell him to take a swan dive off the roof. Then it skipped to another memory where Izuku did, they saw it in 3rd person when his heart stopped and he was in the state between life and death. Izuku looked up and panicked, "Wait you dont have to see that!!" Another flash of Izukus arms showed up. They were severely scarred up. "Stop!!" He yelled, pulling his hand away, causing the screen to go blank. Izuku stood up, shaking, tears streaming down his face. They had seen it. His arms. He held onto his sleeves, staring at the floor. Todoroki softly placed a hand on his shoulder, speaking to him in a soothing voice, "hey its okay.. We are here to help." Izuku sat down, burying his head in Todoroki's shoulder and letting hiro touch his shoulder. The time Toga stabbed him showed up, how Dabi had helped him. He showed them All for One. How he had morphed to his dad. How he had been pulled into the portal. How he had been thrown into the cell with Eri.

Then they got to Overhaul. The heroes were horrified, even before the memories of him being dragged into the room, with the table. Aizawa stared, disgusted and angry as he heard the screams and watched the blood seep out of his student. He heard the maniac laughter of Overhaul.

Izuku wasnt doing so well, he was curled up in Todoroki's lap with Hiro touching his foot. Todoroki combed through Izuku's sweaty hair with shaky hands. Todoroki's eyes were glued to the screen, he never imagined anything like this was happening, he felt bad for not pushing to get there sooner. Izuku let out a small whimper before they watched him get thrown back into the wall when he tried to protect Eri. Izuku grabbed at his curly locks of green hair as he relived the deafening silence he was left in for days, often spiralling into his suicidal thoughts, which could all be heard as Izuku's voice instead of merely just thoughts.

They watched as All for One relentlessly abused the fragile boy, physically and verbally.

Hiro pulled away first this time, nervously eyeing Tsukauchi who looked equally as shocked. All Might had his hand clamped over his mouth, visibly shocked at his mental strength, most people would be completely crumbled by now.  Todoroki was equally as shocked, hugging Izuku tight.

Aizawa looked wide awake.

Izuku, freaking out in the eerie silence, looked up, a bead of sweat dripping down his tearstained face, his eyes darting around the room. "I- uh." He muttered a bit, tugging on Todoroki's sleeve, hiccuping. "Can we stop?" Todoroki communicated for Izuku. They all silently agreed. Inko was waiting for them, Todoroki would be staying with the Midoriya's that night.

--everyone goes home. Author is lazy--

Todoroki sat on Izuku's bed, Izuku hadnt slept well yet. The hospital had prescribed him sleep medication but he was terrified to fall asleep, no matter the conditions. Izuku was pacing his room, mumbling inaudible things. Todoroki was worried, Inko was making them dinner.

Soon dinner was ready, Inko had made Izuku's favorite, katsudon. Todoroki thanked her for the meal and sat next to the greenette, who was poking at his food with his,


(Idk im white)

Todoroki, slowly placed a hand on Izuku's back, giving him small comforting rubs.

"I don't feel good." He mumbled, still poking at his food, his eyes dull. Todoroki nodded a bit, "try a few bites, you may feel a little better."

Izuku nodded, putting a little katsudon in his mouth. Stress does wonders to the stomach. (Irritated scoff from the author) He chewed and swallowed, immediately regretting his decision. Izuku got out of his chair and speed walked to the bathroom. Inko frowned a little, "Todoroki I'll handle him, eat your food before it gets cold, okay?" She smiled sadly. Todoroki nodded a little, watching closely as Inko helped Izuku.

Izuku threw up, feeling significantly better afterwards, wiping the tears off his face. Inko rubbed his back as she grabbed a wet cloth for his forhead. Izuku gave her a tired smile, his eyes still dull, "momma im okay now." He truly did feel a bit better, just exhausted and hungry. Todoroki was waiting anxiously.

He ended up finishing his katsudon. He fell asleep that night, feeling safe with Todoroki. Now that he had finally shared some things, despite it being hard, he felt better to share the weight rsther than carry it alone.



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