bad times...

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(Whats a book without a chapter of JUST ANGST? i dont know. Thats what this chapter is. Buckle up because your in for a ride.)

Hey deku looks like your dad finally came back from the store.

Izuku stared, a horrified look on his face. What was he supposed to do?

He looked over to Kachaan who patted his back with a sincere smile and walked off. Izuku stood there, staring. His dad had a calm smile on his face, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Inko walked out of the house and the two shared a kiss. Izuku stumbled back a bit as the couple started walking towards him. He found his footing and steered himself into a sprint in the other direction, dropping his yellow backpack and powering up One for All.

Inko used her quirk to tug him back a bit, like running with a weight dragging behind you. He made a jump but the second he was airborne he was tugged back to the ground, loosing the power up. His parents were close, he couldnt let him get close. He had to stay away.

He scrambled to his feet but his dad cought him and hugged him, whispering sharply in his ear before inko could hear, "pull anything and you'll regret it, now play along brat"

Izuku shakily lifted his hands up and hugged his dad back, crumbling to tears. He never imagined the day his dad would come back would be like this. Inko joined in and they had a "family" hug, with a shaking crying Izuku in the middle.

But Izuku wasnt crying happy tears. Nothing he felt was happy. He was... Scared. And.. Vulnerable.

Izuku wiped his tears, putting up a fake smile for everyone to see. Inko hugged him, "We're finally one big happy family again!!" She seemed to have completely forgotten about what the police had said about him being a villain, though they never served it straight to her that he was all for one. Probably because they didnt have enough evidence... Though they had seen his memories. It still wasnt enough, they would need DNA for it to be set and solid.

Hes a living lie.

Thats what Izuku believed.

They all walked back to the house, his father's grip tight on his upper arm. Thats when Izuku's father decided, "Lets make a big dinner tonight! In celebration!" Izuku eyes his father wearily, he had no idea, not even the slightest clue what his plan was. And so they proceeded to make dinner. A nice batch of no yeast breadsticks and spaghetti and meatballs, a common american meal his dad helped prepare. He was deep into this wasnt he? His plan was carefully planted. Knotted together tightly, woven so that nothing could break through.

Izuku had to find a way to break through.

They ate thier spaghetti and meatballs, Izuku wearily enjoying the soft touch of the noodles and the warm, mildly sweet taste the sauce left in his mouth. It was a pretty good meal, and despite him knowing what grave danger he and his mom were in, he couldnt help but feel content. His whole family, sitting together at a table enjoying a warm homecooked meal fresh off the gas stove. It made Izuku feel complete.

It was something he had longed for since the day his dad left. Something he had imagined over and over again. The thing he sometimes daydreamed about even.

He shook it off, panic rising again, but he pushed it back down. He needed to think. What was he going to do?

He watched as his father and mother shared a 3rd glass of wine, his mom had barely touched alcohol since his father left, and here she was, happily drinking with him...

--a few hours later--

Izuku had been sitting in his room when his door flew open, his drunk mom standing there with his perfectly sober father. Inko walked in and hugged Izuku, thier cheeks pressing together. Izuku was confused, "mom-?"

His father gave him a deathly grin, blowing a bit of fire out of his mouth to demonstrate his quirk.

Inko let go, she was so happy and innocent. She wasnt going to remember a thing when she woke up from this state, Inko fell under so easily and would blackout any minute now.

Speak of the devil, thats when she passed out, and when his father finally stopped with his stupid act. Izuku gasped as his father lept towards him, ripping off his shirt.

Izuku tried to pry himself free from his fathers irrationally tight grip, but it was no use as his father kicked him and hit him. Taking his anger at him out physically without holding back. Yelling at him.

This went on for about 6 minutes straight, constant yelling and verbal abuse from Hisashi and Izuku trying to fight back, which only made him angrier. Hisashi finally got a grip on his son and used "his" quirk. He held Izuku by the wrist and breathed fire, leaving a scarring burn on his back, laughing hysterically as Izuku writhed in pain.

Izuku let out a yell, pain enveloping him, clouding his vision. His dad kicked him on the burn, yelling at him for being too noisy.

His fire went out. The spark he had worked so carefully to build back into a reasonably big fire was blown out by cold sharp winds. His happiness, his love, his passion, all blown out by the cruelness of the world.

Izuku tried to get up but the pain in his back was excruciating. "IF YOUR MOM FINDS AN OUNCE OF EVIDENCE THIS HAPPENED YOUR DEAD. YOU HEAR ME? DEAD."

He gave Izuku another hard kick before dragging Inko out of the room and slamming the door.

Hey layed there, helpless. His phone was on his desk, if he could just...

Reach it....

His back hurt so much. He could barely move. Tears were streaming down his face as he dragged himself across his floor.


His shoulder blades irritated the burn as he moved to try to grab his phone off the nightstand. He breathed through clenched teeth as be managed to tip his phone off the nightstand. It fell to the floor and he relaxed, feeling a warm sensation trickle down his shoulder.


He texted whoever his first contact was.

He sent a location, and he sent, which was thankfully eligible due to autocorrect,

Need help com now bedroom windo opn

And then he passed out.


Bakugo Katsuki stared at his phone, having received a unusual message from deku to say the least.

Though in the pit of his stomach he felt something was terribly wrong.


hmMMm so i just finished watched Erased. :l

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