"You! Stay here! If I see you peek or even come near this bathroon one inch... We're done.." I was threathing him. He looked shock and ended with sadness. I went towards him and gave him a peck on the lips and quickly ran into the bathroom. I swore he was grining ear to ear.

           I looked at the reflection of me on the mirror. I looked horrible, but I smelt nice. But I still went to take a shower. I covered my below waist with my green towel. I peek throught the door, to see if Jessie was here. No one. I left a sigh of relief and went into my room. He was not in my room too. I hurried put on my pajamas on and went downstairs.

           "Hey honey, Jessie said goodbye to you." He left? Without a kiss? Wait! That's not the point..

           "Ok.." I replied, with a little sadness in it.

           "Oh honey, don't be so depress. Is not like he was gone or something. You can see him tomorow and he wil gives you two kiss as tonight forgot goodnight kiss." My mom said from the kitchen, she was preparing dessert. A giggle was heard from inside the kitchen too.....

           "WHAT THE FUCK!!!?????" I finally gathered what my mother said. I ran into the kitchen and saw my mother was cooking, while my dad was sitting at his usual place reading a novel along with my little sister, Tamari was typing on her laptop. My face was completely shock, and mouth hanging opened. Why they were all so calm and just like nothing was happened?

            "Close your mouth sweety and language mister" My mom said and put the plate of cookies and a plate of random snacks on the table.

            "Wait! What the... Why? What?" I was so confused and didn't know what to say.

            "Sit down honey." My mom said again. I sat on my usual place and crossing mt arms.

            My father finally put down his novel and put a bookmark in it. Tamari stopped instantly and close her laptop, grabbing a cookie from the plate. My mother was smiling at me. But was my father I was worried about. But he acted he didn't know!

             "You all don't have something to say?" I asked, hoping there were no arguing and shouting.

           "No." They all said at the same time, grabbing the snacks they wanted to eat.

           "Okay! I know you all know! Cut the act!" I shouted. I couldn't believe everyone wanted to avoid the question and I just wanted to bring it up. I was stupid. They stopped and put down the snacks. My father took off his glasses, nicely put it on the table. His piercing green eyes were looking at me, I got my eyes from my father. He didn't look angry or dissapointed. My mother was smiling all the time. Tamari? She was smirking.

           "Okay...Troy...erm.. About.." My father was trying to talk first but he didn't know where to start. Let me help him.

          "Dad! I'm STRAIGHT! I like girls! I am just Jessexual!" I said, a little bit louder at first but ended with a whisper when I said about Jessexual.

           "WHAT? Jessexual?' My mother spoke.

          "Erm..A strong..attraction...only towards to..Jessie..." I blushed and couldn't believe they made me said about this. Stupid Jessie...

          I earned high-pitch squeal from both my mom and Tamari. My dad was just laughing his ass off.

          "What!?" I protested.

          "Nothing, It just.. Troy.. We are alright if you are gay. There are nothing wrong about being homosexual. If you love someone, it doesn't need gender, religion, skin, accent or country!" God, my father was speaking like he was writing a story. Oh yeah, my father was a writer. A popular one.

          "Well Troy honey, your father is trying to say that we love you just the way you are... And you really have great taste in man! Jessie is hot!" My mother squealed along with Tamari again. My dad was just laughing and shaking his head. I was completely humiliated myself...

           "Does Jessie has a little brother that is not a big "G" on him?" Tamari asked.

           "No, he has no siblings." I replied, smirking. Tamari was upset and crossing her arms like me. Copy cat.

          "So Troy, just promise you will keep swimming" My dad said, grabbing my shoudler.

         "Of course!" I shouted, that's a stupid question. My dad just nodded and went back eating his snacks. Oh god, I lost my appetide. I stood up and went to kiss my mother and sister.

          "Thanks guys.. Good night.." I said. Wait a minute...

          "Wait! How on earth you know Jessie loves me?" I asked them. They were just laughing and shaking their heads.

          "I'm serious!" I said.

         "Jessie came in here with you in the arms and he kept saying sorry to me and your dad about making you too hot. I said it was okay and told him to get you upstairs. After that, he dropped on his knees and begging me and your father that to forgive his stupidity and for loving you. I was shocked at first but your father here was the first telling him it was okay and encourged him to never let you go. He bursted out with tears and kept saying thank you to us. He said he would take care of you as long as he lives. So romantic!" My mother explained to me and my father was laughing. My face was red and hot now.

          "Thanks God you found yourself a headquater of the football team and playing basketball. I will not accept a jerk or an girly guys. He is tough and cheerful. I like his honesty the most." My father said proudly.

           I quickly ran into my room, hiding the face of mine that was now crying. Don't get me wrong, this was not sadness. It was tears of joy! I couldn't believe my family was so open-minded! I was never felt so happy and lucky before.

         *Hey boss, you have a new message."

        I laughed at my message alert ringtone. I clicked the button "accept" and saw a text from Jessie.

        Roses are red,

       Violents are blue,

       Sugars are sweet...

      But gay love are sweeter...

      I love you babe... <3 Good night.

      Awwww.... I clicked reply.

      luv u 2. nite <3

      Clicked sent.

       I was so happy today.... But I still afraid... WHy? Angela was on the loose...


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