"from you"

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"Oh my god! Colby! Your never gonna guess what came in the mail today!" I shout happily running into our room holding a big box and plopping down on our bed.

Colby looks at me, mid- shoving a taco in his mouth. He slowly closes his mouth as I tear into the box, "what's that?"

I smile and fling open the sides, pulling out a shoe box. The shoe box was painted purple and it was a horrible paint job, you could still see the original print.

There were yellow flowers, and hearts all over it. Along with tissue paper roses glued to the side of the box, I made it in 5th grade and filled it with things all the way until the end of high school.

The thing is, I forgot about it until a few days ago. That seems to be happening a lot lately, a lot of childhood memorabilia keeps appearing in my life.

I smile at Colby, and he was still confused. I pull out a folded paper that was on top, and I begin to read.

Your probably wondering what this is and how it started well.. a few days ago my mom called me and told me she found an old shoe box in the garage and it was painted and had my name on it.

She had also said it was filled to the brim with papers, and cards. As soon as she told me that I knew what it was, this is a collection of every single letter, birthday card, and note that I've received from everyone important to me.

and yes, they dated back to 5th grade being the first. I've been waiting eagerly for this box to come in the mail, I quite literally have been dying to read the things inside.

  The first ever letter I had was from my grandma, the second few being birthday cards from Maddie, Kailani, Sam, and my parents.

Then there were no more from 5-7th grade until I found one from 8th grade. This was a little after I met Colby.

It was a letter from Colby. I slowly unfold it while gazing at Colby, but I hesitate. "What it is?" He asks and I smile "it's a letter, from you." This immediately gets his attention and he's right over here next to me on the bed in a heartbeat.

I carefully open the letter and there was a lot written in it. I don't remember this letter.. at all.

I raise an eyebrow as I read it, how do I not remember this?

To J,
Hey! It's me Colby! Your at camp right now with Maddie and Kailani. Your mom told Sam and I that you forbade everyone from writing you any letters, or sending you anything at all while you were at camp. She said that you told her they throw campers in the lake when you get mail. Obviously, as your reading this, your mad because we didn't listen and we both wrote you letters. This one is mine. I can't wait until you get home, it's actually kind of boring without you. I fell off my skateboard today, my leg is cut up. Thankfully you weren't here to make fun of me, but then become a doctor and fix it. You always do that. It's part of the reason I think your so amazing. You know, the first time I met you I thought you were the prettiest girl in the world. Your eyes, they lured me in. Then, you smiled and I was blown away because your smile is just so.. gorgeous. Anyways, I put those thoughts aside because well.. Sam and I are best friends and I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship, that's silly. I shouldn't even be saying this right now, but it's easier to me because well.. it's going to be a week before you can criticize me on how dorky this was. Actually, it's scary that I won't know what you think for a whole week. I need to take chances though, so I'm going to mail this to you. I have to.. anyways hope your having fun beautiful.

I turn and face Colby, "I never.. got this letter." My finger taps the paper and he smiles "I never mailed it." "Huh?" I'm so confused.

If he never mailed it then how is it in this box? How did I never find this until now? "I forgot all about this until now.. I never mailed it because I was too scared, so instead I decided to hide it so you would find it when you got back. But.. you never did." He grins and shakes his head.

"So you never said anything?" I laugh "oh no way, you knew me. I was way to shy and awkward to tell you how I feel." He chuckles "I wonder what would have happened if you did mail it to me back then."

Colby grabs my hand "murder." He laughs "via Sam" and I shake my head "he didn't when we finally did get together" I remind him "oh because we were entirely too close he wouldn't of gotten away with it then, but beginning of our friendship.. he would have gotten away with murder and he on a beach in Cabo somewhere." I laugh "your a dork."

He kisses me with a smile "your dork" "who's had a monster crush on me since freshman year." I tease "oh don't even start with that little miss." I smile and tease him more but instead he just kisses me again and again.

We end up going through all the letters, it was insane to see how much things changed.

But honestly couldn't be a better time to find this box. Before the wedding.. it was like we really were adults now and that was our entire childhood.. in a box.


Hey guys so this is short but I wanted to update for you guys and I got this idea so I hope you enjoyed! I love you all bye! (:

Only you// Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now