"Everyday with you"

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{disclaimer: I know like nothing about hurricanes because I didn't pay attention in 6th grade science (like 6 years ago) so do not hold me accountable for any information in this chapter :) I just thought it'd be a good scenario :)) that's all. I also grew up in the Midwest so literally I know nothing.}

-Jordan's p.o.v-
"your kidding." Colby grumbles, looking at Jordan who was sat on the edge of the bed. The sun was just about to rise and they were supposed to be leaving for their flight but, plans had to change.

"I literally just got a text, there's a horrible storm coming in. It's raining like crazy, lightning and they think it's a hurricane" I tell Colby, it's was dark and I only saw his face by the little bit of light gleaming in.

"no, no, no." He says sitting up and putting his head in his hands "it's no big deal Colbs, we'll just catch a later flight" I assure him, he looked so upset about it.

"No, that messes up everything" he tells me I furrow my eyebrows and pulls his hand off his face gently, sitting criss-cross I face him "are you okay?" I ask, I was tracing the palm of his hand lightly with my fingertips.

He nods, "it's fine, don't worry about it" he tells me "would it make you feel better if I told you, I made chocolate chip pancakes?" I ask with a small grin, he looks intrigued.

Naia, from my side of the bed, looks at me with big puppy dog eyes, then at Colby.

"It would" He says I smile bigger and pull him out of bed and downstairs, Naia follows her little paws tapping along. I had so many pancakes sitting on a plate next to syrup. 

He looks at me like a little kid in a candy store, and we sit at the little table in the two chairs. Naia sat on the floor right next to me.

It was about 5am and Colby had got the whipped cream out of the fridge and made a smiley face on his pancakes and then the can malfunctioned and it started going everywhere and soon enough, Colby and Naia were covered.

I started laughing hysterically, and Colby was chuckling while also trying to get it to stop while Naia was licking it up as much as she could.

Suddenly a huge struck of lightning hits, and makes an incredibly loud noise. Naia gets scared jumping into my lap which when you have a dog bigger than you jump on your lap makes it pretty hard to tell what's going on.

About a minute later the roommates come downstairs, almost in one big cluster, they all groggily rub their eyes "Jolby? I thought you were leaving for Kansas?" Jake says

"We thought so too" Colby says, Aaron has buddy in his arms and rummages for a flashlight in a drawer just Incase, he also has a girl standing next to him.

Which we all notice almost instantly, Aaron got a girlfriend! Ooh.

But we all silently decide not to bother it yet, "What was that?" Sam asks "it's was a giant seagull landing on earth" I tell him sarcastically he looks at me like I'm being serious.

Kat is next to him cuddled up to his side "I'm kidding Sam." I remind him he nods, "there's a huge storm coming in, they advise everybody to stay indoors and no flights are coming in or going out for a while" Colby tells everybody and they nod.

Corey's hair was all messy and half fallen out of his man bun, Devyn was just sitting engulfed in her hoodie with Navi laying on her lap.

Corey looked like he hated his life, and had some major stank eye going on, "Corey? Bud, are you okay?" I ask

He looks at me sleepily and blinks a bunch, then throws a woah and catches it with a grin making me laugh.

"You guys want some pancakes? I made a bunch" I tell the roommates and they nod, getting pancakes.

Only you// Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now