"Fine then go! I will"

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WARNING THE FIRST PART OF THIS IS A LITTLE... EXPLICIT AND KINDA GROSS.. and I feel bad for Sam for even writing this even though it's fake 😂

"What's up guys so today I have everyone's favorite youtube couple with me today, Colby and Jordan" Brennen said to the camera I waved "And we're going to be putting them both on the hot seat" Brennen said I was making faces at the camera "I'm nervous" Colby said I looked over "You hiding something Brock?" I joked "No, are you Golbach?" He smirked "I'm an open book Cole" I smirked "OHHHHKAY you two save it for the bedroom!" Brennen yelled laughing

"Okay we'll start off easy, Jordan what is the most annoying thing Colby does?" Brennen asked I looked over to Colby "Hmm.. well sometimes we'll have plans to go somewhere and he'll say he's ready and then tell me to hurry, but then he takes forever!" I said "Hey! I do not!" Colby defended "next question Weirdest place you guys have ever done anything.. ya know" Brennen smirked we both looked to each other and began to laugh "Okay well there two" Colby laughed "Two? Like were they in public places or just in house?" Brennen asked and I began to laugh again

"Want is to tell your just one? Or two?" Colby asked "well both! We need our Jolby tea!" Brennen said "Well a couple of days ago we were doing an overnight at a amusement park.." Colby told the story and Brennen looked shocked "IN THE WATERSLIDES!?!" He yelled we both nodded embarrassed "Well the other cant be that bad then" Brennen said I shook my head "It's really bad" I said he looked to me shocked "what did you do it in Sam's room?" Brennen asked we didn't answer "WHAT?! You guys are nasty! Gross! Kids!" Brennen yelled Colby and I just sat there laughing "Sam If your watching this I'm so sorry man" Colby said "and you should probably never touch the chair again" I added Brennen looked at both of us grossly "I'm never leaving you two alone in my apartment" he said "How do you know we haven't already?" I joked "oh my god NO!" Brennen yelled standing up we all laughed and he continued

"Last question for Jolby this one is juicy, Colby how does Jordan feel that you almost ended things before she moved here?" Brennen asked I looked to see Colby making a "dont say it" face "What?" I asked he was gonna end things? "Um I never told her Bro" he said "you were gonna end things?" I asked standing up "no, I mean yes but- can we talk outside?" Colby asked I walked outside he followed "Talk" I said "Yes I was going to end things before you moved here, but only because I was afraid it would be to stressful" He said, i was overwhelmed with emotions.

"You were gonna end things though, and we could've talked if you felt that way" I said he just looked at me "Are you really mad over this?" He asked "Yes I am Colby, I just learned that 2 years ago you were just gonna write me off" I snapped "Babygirl-" he began "No don't babygirl me Colby" I angrily said "I'm going home" I said "I'll drive you" he offered "Don't worry about it, I don't want it to be to stressful" I said "I got an Uber" I said walking down the stairs I saw uber pull up I hopped in.

30 minutes later..
my eyes were welled with tears, I shouldn't of been such a bitch to Colby he didn't mean that and it was 2 years ago.. I heard the front door open I figured it was one of the roommates so I remained locked in the bathroom.

I began to hear noises from Colby and i's room I quickly hopped up running to our room to apologize, but then Colby walked out not even looking at me dressed like he was going out and reaking of cologne "Colby" I said he ignored me, "I'm sorry okay? I was overreacting" I said, once again ignored me "Hello?" I said walking infront of him he looked down to me "Your just gonna ignore me?" I asked "your too much Jordan" he said "excuse me? I'm too much?" I said my blood beginning to boil "I'm not talking about this" he said "So what your not even gonna try to talk about this? Your just gonna run out?" I asked he then looked back to me "You didn't try to talk to me at Brennen's" he snapped "Because I was mad Colby!" I yelled "you don't think I am Jordan?!" He yelled getting closer to my face he had alcohol on his breath

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