Playing plumber

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*a few weeks later*

Let me fill you in real quick, so Kailani and Brennen had their date and lets just say that Brennen should be eternally grateful to me. We also went to the machine gun Kelly concert, Colby, Kailani, Brennen, Sam, Katrina, and i. Somehow we ended up on stage, so haha that's fun.

Colby and i are flying to Kansas tomorrow, we told the roommates that were flying back for my mom's birthday.

Which isn't an entire lie but we were also gonna tell our families the news, and I can't say
I'm not terrified.

I've been stressed about how to tell everyone that I haven't been keeping up with myself lately, I can tell Colby's stressed too he just won't admit it.

The two boys have been helicoptering me like crazy lately though, checking on me every five or ten minutes and giving me speeches about how they're proud of me.

To be honest, I know a lot of things are gonna change with the baby but I still don't feel like a mom.

I feel like a terrible person believe me, but I just feel like myself, like before we found out. The Jordan would was worried about Colby proposing too soon, or Elton chasing me with a spider. Selfish?

I was snapped out of my thoughts to Colby coming in, with Jake and Sam in the doorway behind him "Baby, I'm going to target with Jake and Sam do you need anything?" Colby asks I shake my no

He nods and kisses me on the head "I'll be back in a little!" Colby shouts "Bye love you! And Jake he's my boyfriend not yours!!" I call to them

"Nice try you goofy goober!" Jake says and shuts the door, I start laughing "so odd" I mutter under my breath and continue answering some emails.

But I couldn't focus, so I opened a new word document and began typing like crazy. About an hour later I ran out of thought, I took a deep breath and smile looking over my work proudly.

I sat back and decided I'd go and take a shower, I closed my laptop and gathered my clothes.

"Jake this isn't a good idea, Jordan's gonna kill you" Colby says following behind him "that's why you and Sam are here" Jake tells them with a chuckle

Sam raises a brow "to hold her back" Jake says the duo start shaking their heads rapidly "no way, when she sees her hair is pink nobody will hold her back" Sam says

"Well then I guess you baby bubbas are just gonna help me anyway" Jake says and walks to the bathroom door about to open it "Wait, I don't wanna see a girls wee wee. They have cooties!" Jake says "especially Jordan!" He adds backing away from the door.

He looks to Sam and Colby "one of you have to do it" he says "I'm not taking the risk of seeing Jordan in the shower" Jake says "well neither am I!" Sam says

"Colby already has, so I vote him" Jake says and they both turn to him "no way! I'm not helping you prank my girlfriend" He says

"Listen all you have to do I set the shampoo bottle in the shower and we'll do the rest" Jake says "um no *Jake* will do the rest" Sam says "no spider." Colby says

"That's gonna be the best part!" Jake exclaims "she could get hurt, no spider, or no deal Jake." Colby says "Sam?" Jake asks

Sam thought for a minute "oh, yeah no spider dude" Jake shrugs "fine, no spider, pink hair dye and out" Jake says and they walk in as quiet as possible, fighting off the steam.

Colby reaches in a grabs the normal shampoo bottle and hands it to Jake, Jake begins to put the pink dye in filling up the bottle, then Colby puts the bottle back in.

Jake starts to clean up the mess, and unplugs the drain but..

Jordan's ring was right on the counter, and it fell in the sink all three boys rush to the sink trying to grab it but it slides down the drain "shit, shit, shit!" Colby says frustrated.

Sam's eyes were just open widely "Jordan loves that ring!" Colby whisper-yells at Jake "I'm sorry dude!" Jake whispers

Her other rings were still on the counter, Sam closed the drain "this is not good. She's going to be pissed" Sam says looking at Colby and Jake.

"Colby?" Jordan calls from the shower, All of their eyes widen and they look at Colby "um Yeah it's me babygirl!" He calls back anxiously

"is everything okay? Why're you in here?" She yells back "oh um- I- I forgot my- lotion" he lies, and shakes his head "Okay then" Jordan says and continues her shower

Colby pushes the other two out into the hallway, "that was close" Jake says "you better figure out how to get the ring back before she notices or we're all dead" Colby says in a serious tone

"There's no way we're getting it back" Sam says "well we have to!" Colby exclaims "face it dude, it's gone we're not getting it back" Jake tells him "she has so many, I doubt she'll realize" he adds

"fuck" Colby says running his fingers through his hair, he walks down stairs and sits in the living room "This is on you." He tells Jake, pissed off.

About another 10 minutes later, an angry Jordan comes running downstairs "Colby fucking Brock, where is my ring!" She screams with fury.

A second later she's in the living room, Colby sits up "baby-"  he begins "Colby- where is it?" She asks, her voice was cracking and it sounded like she wanted to cry

She looks at Jake and Sam "do you two mind?" She asks pissed, "Colby where is it!" She yells again "Jordan- I knocked it down the drain on accident" he says taking the fall for Jake, she starts to chuckle and faces the other way

"Jordan?" He asks stepping closer to her "are you okay?" He asks, she turns around again laughing "you- knocked it down the drain" and continues laughing

"I'm so sorry- I" He starts "you knocked the ring I've had for 21 years, down the drain. The only thing I have from my grandpa- who died. Do you even feel bad?!" She yells, still chuckling but furious

"Baby-" He says trying to hold her hand but she yanks away "no, get away from me Colby" she says and starts to walk off "Jordan wait! It was my fault!" Jake shouts after her

She comes walking back in "You- knocked my ring down?" She says stepping closer and closer to Jake, he nods "I did and I'm sorry, I was trying to pull a simple prank on you and I got Colby to help and that's also why your hair is pink" he says very quickly

Her eyebrows raise "My hair is pink?" She asks, he puts his hand over his mouth "oh my god you didn't know your hair was pink?" He asks

"does it look like I did!?" She asks her jaw dropped, she turns to Colby "does it look cute at least?" She grins he makes a confused face "of course it does babygirl" he smiles

"awesome, so you guys would mind if I dyed your hair pink?" She asks "after you get my ring out of course" she smiles sweetly looking at Sam, Colby and Jake

"Hey I had nothing to do with this" Sam says "your guilty by association big brother, plus your the brains of the operation" she explains "Hey!" Colby and Jake both exclaim

"Oh come on Jake, you can't be surprised" Jordan turns "your right" he shrugs "hey I'm Manly!" Colby says

"oh, sure you are Cole" Jordan smiles and kisses his cheek "but if you don't find my ring, you might just have to identify as a girl" she says and walks away.

"Have fun playing plumber boys!"

Hey guys! So it's literally been a month since I updated last and I apologize, school started again and I'm trying to adjust again but I hope ya'll enjoy :) and see you next time :) Later Skaters!

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