"Love, Colbs "

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DISCLAIMER!! I once again have nothing against Shea Elyse this is for story purposes! And she is not actually like this!!

"Do you remember when You, Sam, Kat and I all went to Disney and you-" Shea laughed "You dropped an ice cream and we almost kissed" Shea giggled "That was so much fun! Ugh Jordan you would've loved it" Colby said chuckling "Sam and Shea are like best friends now" Colby grinned "I mean after we rode that ride together we just had so much jokes" Shea says "It's sounded like that was fun" I said rolling my eyes "Oh it was" Shea replies "oh it was" I mocked in my head

"Colby you have some food on your face" Shea giggles wiping it off the corner of his mouth.

Yeah we left off, with me kissing Colby on the cheek well um.. I've been 3rd wheeling this little date for the past hour and a half and I've never cringed more in my life.

I am not still in love with Colby! I wish everyone would just stop saying that already it's not true

I've come to the conclusion that Shea is definitely trying to get with Colby and she definitely hates me.

She's also actually perfect, no wonder Colby likes her.

"Jordan are you okay? You haven't touched your food" Colby asks looking away from Shea "Oh, yeah I'm fine" I say "Do you not like it? We can get you something different" Colby said raising his hand to try to get the waiter "No! No! I like it!" I said he nods watching me, along with Shea.

I look down to my food, I order Alfredo, and pick my fork up taking a bite "mmm yum!" I fake he nods looking back to Shea and starting convo.

"Are you like anorexic or something?" Shea asks with a disgusted look, this shocked me and was my vulnerability.

"Um- I- uh" I began to stutter "I have to go to the bathroom" I said standing up running to the bathroom.

My stomach now felt in tumbles and I regret even eating the small bite of food, my vision was slightly blurry because tears welled in my eyes.

This was a sensitive subject, my strongest weakness. It's been a struggle for me ever since middle school, I began to think I wasn't good enough and I didn't tell anyone how I felt because I didn't want to seem like an attention whore but Colby he knew, so he was the first one I told. Trusted with this, he's the only one who truly knows how I felt.

I sat leaning against the wall and had tears, say I'm dramatic, go ahead. I feel like giving up, Colby doesn't even care anymore, Devyn, Kat, Hell I barely talk to my own brother because I had to go and date his best friend, he hates me.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I felt arms around me, and a familiar cologne. I didn't have to look to know it was Colby, I just knew.

"Your beautiful, your perfect, everything." He says quietly "Don't lie, Colby" I sniffle "Go with her, she's perfect, tall, beautiful, probably a fucking model, and your dream girl, she's happy, stunning, and everyone loves her" I said

Colby sighed getting up and walking out, I heard the bathroom door shut. Of course he left.. why would he stay?

After another 5 minutes the door opened again and slammed shut, "here" he says sitting next to me.

I look up and see Colby standing with a written note on loose leaf paper I look to him confused "What is this?" I ask "read it" He says looking into my eyes I grab the paper after wiping my tears.

Dear Jordan rose Golbach,

First off, your the most beautiful amazing girl in the world. From the first time I saw you in 7th grade, I knew that I would love you forever. Your dorky smile with your braces, always chasing Me and Sam around because we used to annoy you. You've always put up with your older brothers lame best friend, Colby. You never cared what people thought, well you didn't show you did. Your the reason I'm motivated every day, I wish you would see yourself the way I see you. I'd do anything for you I love you more than anyone in the entire world I promise you I'll never hurt you, I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have you. I can't wait to be 60 years old sitting on our porch watching our grandkids play in the yard, Or to have Sam cry at our wedding because he'd be emotional. To have arguments but kiss and makeup, to have beautiful kids with you and to wake up next to your beautiful, perfect, sexy self everyday. I love you always, it's only you. Never ever think your anything than perfect babygirl

Love, Colbs

Yeah okay so wiping my tears didn't help because they appeared right back again, I look up to Colby and smash my lips into his.

He kisses back and I now was sat atop his lap, we were full on making out and I was not planning on stopping.

"Holy shit I- missed this" Colby gasped in between kisses "me.. too" I agreed in between kisses.

"S-should we stop?" Colby asked "N-no I want.. you" I said breathing heavily "Are you sure?" He asked I nodded.

And I did, let me tell you that was um.. lets just say it made you want to run a marathon afterwards that's how good it was.

Two chapters in one night whatttt?! I told you guys Jordan and Colby would be back :) ALSO OUR FREAKING BOYS POST TOMORROW AND I'M HYPED I MISS THEM SO MUCH 😭👏♥️♥️♥️ Anywhoooo I love you all so much, thanks for reading ♥️ Baiiii

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