"Ice cream without us?!?"

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The girls and I were getting ice cream at this little shop, "Okay What would you like Ms.?" The boy working behind the counter asked

"Mint chocolate chip" I smiled sweetly, the boy smiled back and handed me my ice cream, we went to pay.

"Oh don't worry about it it's on the house" He smiled and slipped me a piece of paper "Thanks" We smiled and left the shop.

"He totally liked you" Kailani said eating her vanilla ice cream "Nahh" I said "Girl, he definitely did" Devyn told me "What was in the paper" Kat asked "I Don't really know" I said and took it from my back pocket, unfolding it.

It had his number and name, I showed the girls "Are you gonna call him?" Kat asked "Nah" I said and threw it in the trash "I only like one guy" I said and we walked down to find the guys, they all awwwed.

"You got ice cream without us!!" Colby yelled "I have no clue what your talking about" I smirked

Colby got up and grabbed my ice cream "Hey! Meany!" I called he took a bite and gave it back.

I decided to be nice and shared my ice cream with Colby, "Awww goals" Kat said, We just ignored them and continued eating our ice cream.

Colby, dotted ice cream on my face "Colby!!" I yelled, he laughed  and jumped up, I got up after him and started chasing him.

I finally caught him and he fell down onto the sand and pulled me down aswell, I sat on his upper legs to where I was kind of straddling him, he smirked and flipped me upside down.

Now I was pinned under neath him, "I win" He smirked "No way, your a loserrrr" I said "What was that?" His eyebrows raised about to tickle me.

"Noooo don't you dare! Cole R-" he started tickling me and I was laughing uncontrollably he stopped "Who won?" He asked "M-m-me" I said through laughter, he started tickling me again "O-okay!! You win!!" I yelled.

He smiled and got off of me "Wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked, I couldn't think of anything else to say so I just stuck my tongue out at him.

I looked around and realized we were at the beach, duh. Colby seemed to remember that too.

I looked to see that our friends had been recording us, "No!! Delete ittt!! My stomach fat was showing!!" I yelled at Kailani "Jordan you have no stomach fat to show!" She yelled back "Do too!" I yelled trying to grab her phone.

"Are you kidding me? Did you really just say that?" Brennen asked "it's true!! Lookieee" I said poking my stomach

Colby came over and picked me up, "Your not fat" He said me over his shoulder "Yes I am now stopppp!!" I yelled "nope we're going in the ocean" Colby said "Colbs!! Please nooo!" I said holding on to him tighter.

A few hours later...
We were all still at the beach, the sun was now setting, we were all sitting on the blanket, Colby had his head in my lap and I was playing with his hair.

"Shit!" Kailani yelled looking at her phone "What's wrong Lani?" I asked "I forgot that I  was supposed to meet my manager tonight I got the dates mixed up" She said "I could drive you" Brennen offered "you sure?" She said "Yeah" he replied and the two of them left.

I hugged Kailani, and Brennen then they both left. "Wait they do know they're car is the other way right?" I asked seeing them walk the wrong way.

I looked over to see Colby wink at the two "Did you just wink?" I asked giggling, he denied it, he totally just winked at Brennen.

About 10 minutes after they left, Colby asked if I wanted to walk with him down the beach by the water, I said yes.

The others didn't want to, I slid on my shoes and we walked over to the water, We walked a little down the beach and then Colby stopped walking.

"What's wrong Colbs?" I asked him, "J"

Hey guys so I have a great idea for next chapter but I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger because I'm just evil like that😈 Buttt it'll be worth the wait I promise❤️ Anywhooo I'll see you later baiiiiii :)

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