"Leggo my eggo"

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I woke up in my bed what happened last night? I though trying to recall wait a second, that WAS a dream right? I ask now aware.

I then notice an arm wrapped around my torso, slowly I turn and see a shirtless Colby lying in my bed. He was asleep and looked so peaceful it wasn't a dream. I looked at the boy, feeling safe and happy in his arms again but what does this mean? I still love Colby of course I still love him, I always will.

I can't think of being with anyone else besides Colby, he was releasing soft little snores. I love you Cole.

Slowly he began to wake up and his eyes opened, he saw me and a smile grew on both of our faces "good morning" I smile "good morning babygirl" he smiles back

I look down to his chest then feel his fingers run through my hair, whats gonna happen now?

"I missed this" I said "Me too" Colby replies I look back up to him and smile, kissing his lips he pulls me on top of him and I sat on his waist, making out.

Knock knock knock
Just ignore it

Knock knock

"Ugh" I groan breaking our kiss.

"Hey Jordan!" I heard Sam say knocking on the door "yeah!" I yell back sliding off Colby "It's really important!" Sam yells "Unlock the door please!" He yells

I look at Colby frantically "uh-oh" he whispers "shit" I say under my breath looking around "Hello?!" Sam says "Y-yeah one second!" I yell back hopping out of bed along with Colby.

He had no shirt anywhere to be found and was wearing his same jeans from last night, Sam would know!

No one can find out, they'd make it a big deal! "Quick under my bed" I whisper yell Colby looks at me like I'm crazy "I won't fit under there!" He also whisper yells god damn it

I look over to the window, "Colby" I say quietly "No" he says I nod opening the window "The things I'd do for you" he whispers hopping on the window seal I smile at him shutting the window then RUNNING over to the door after putting on pants of course.

"Hey Sam" I smile calmly leaning against the door "Jordan, someone sent this video around, and I can't find Colby anywhere" Sam says showing me a video of Shea, Colby, and I when Shea asked if I was anorexic then me running to the bathroom.

"Shit" I whisper "Do you know where Colby is? I'm worried and he won't answer his phone" Sam says "I don't know where Colby is! Why do you uh- ask that!" I say nervously "Because you were with him last night" he says "No! I wasn't!" I panic HE KNOWS!!

"In the video, yes you were Jordan" Sam said "Oh! Yeah um i have no clue maybe he's with that Shea" I said looking to the window Is Colby okay out there?

"Your acting weird, I'm going to try to text him again" Sam said wearily "G-good idea" I nod


Oh my fucking shit Colby

Sam looks to me weirdly walking over to my end table then looking under the bed finding.. Cole Robert Brock's PHONE

"Jordan? Why is-" Sam starts to ask the jig is up! WE'RE SCREWED!

"Hey Sam, Hey Jordan what's up" Colby says casually walking through my bedroom door okay what the fuck Colby are you a sorcerer how did he get in the house?

"COLBY!" I yell "our good ole' pal Colby! Colby Brock! Here!" I say walking over and patting Colby's shoulder "Okayyy" Sam says "So! Um what's up!" Colby says widened eyes

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