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*The events do not occur exactly as they do in the original video*

Tonight Sam had convinced all of us to do a 3am ritual with him, and because Naia is an innocent baby puppy i had Kailani babysitting her at her apartment.

Colby, Katrina, Brennen and I were all in Sam's room talking and laughing waiting for him to get his camera and the stuff for the game.

"Wait so you really got kicked out of Cracker Barrel for that?" Brennen said hysterically laughing I nod through laughs "Hey! It was her fault though!" Colby blames me and I look at him crazily "No way! It was definitely Sam and yours fault" I laugh

"You screamed!" Colby chuckles "But you both attacked me with Rolls" I giggle "You guys are so weird" Brennen laughed "Says you, Paul" I smirk Brennen makes a goofy face "snickers"

I pick up one of Sam's pillows throwing it at him, we both started laughing hysterically. Sam walked in "Jordan, Brennen you can't kill each other. That's the midnight man's job" Sam says Colby gasps engulfing me in his arms and pulling me onto his lap "No not my baby" he pouts 

I giggle and kiss the top of his head "Okay! No babies calm down you two" Brennen shouts putting his arm in between Colby and i, i roll my eyes hopping off Colby. I then walk over to Sam, who was holding the camera, "And that kids is called stealing Brennen's man 101" I smirk "You little munchkin!" Brennen shouts, i grin at him and sit next to Kat.

Brennen was sitting on the arm of the chair Colby was sitting on, "Okay everybody so today we have my beautiful girlfriend Katrina Stuart, My demon child of a sister Jordan, Mr. Brennen Taylor, and the one and only Colby Brock" Sam says quickly "How come you never call me beautiful anymore Sam?" Brennen joked fake crying

I give Brennen an eye roll "Colby tell your girlfriend to stop being a bully" Brennen whines "fight me Taylor" i hiss "ANYWAYS today we are going to be doing the midnight man game/ritual" Sam shouts with high energy he explains the rules 

"So it's fun" Sam shrugs "Yeah fun, we just invite demons into our home not scary at all" Colby shrugs sarcastically "Not scary at all" i shrug "Once again i am here against my will" Brennen states i laugh, "and we have to keep moving so he can't catch us" Sam adds Colby begins dancing, shimming his shoulders and humping the air. 

Everyone looks at him wide-eyed and laughs "You like that don't you?"brennen laughs "Jordan does" Colby smirks "Okayyyy! let's start" Sam claps

We begin the game and he gives each of us a piece of paper, having us all write our names "Wow this isn't scary at all" Katrina shrugs smiling "Yeah is this all you got?" Brennen asks Sam looks at them wearily "Did i mention you have to put a drop of blood on the paper?" he says and everyone begins freaking out

I just shrug pricking my finger, which earns me looks of surprise, "Jordan what the fuck?" Colby says shocked "Bitch your crazy!" Brennen shrieks "Didn't that hurt?" Katrina stresses "Guys it doesn't even hurt it's a small prick" I calmly says placing a dot of blood on my paper "Babygirl." Colby says calmly "Yes Cole?" i reply calmly wiping the blood off my finger "You okay?" he slowly asks, i begin laughing "I'm fine Colbs. it really doesn't hurt"

After everyone freaking out they all eventually pricked their fingers and now we had to knock on the door 22 times to begin the game. We light our candles, Colby and Brennen wrestling over the 'good candle' "so if i wanted to sabotage one of you and get you killed i could just like-" Brennen begins blowing on my candle "Ay! stop it!" i screech hiding my candle

"guys Brennen is gonna blow out my candle and get me killed so he can have Brolby back" I tell the camera, Brennen just gives an evil smirk "Cole tell Naia i love her" I pat his shoulder with a fake sad face he nods and fake cries "We'll miss you"

"I'm so scared" Katrina pleads "Don't worry i'll protect you" Sam says hugging her "Let's be real, i'll save you Kat. Sam has no chance" I joke "Wow i have the nicest little sister" Sam sarcastically rolls his eyes i give him an innocent look 

We try to light the candles and everyone's but mine lights perfectly, it kept going out. "Shit i'm gonna die" I say furrowing my brows "No! Snickers!" Brennen says "I hope he rips your organs out Brennen" I say coldly he looks at me scarcely "Fine let him get you." 

We play the game walking around i mostly stuck by Kat because she was terrified and i was just making skits. Everything went fine about the first hour until my candle kept going out and the last time it would not light.

Sam quickly covers me in a circle of salt, we got it lit after about 7 more tries and we continue walking around until Colby feels something scratch into his back. "Maybe there's nothing" Sam shrugs the skeptic he is, Brennen begins to lift Colby's shirt "Why am i doing this? Jordan it's your boyfriend" Brennen says moving over

"Guys we have to keep moving" Sam nervously says, Katrina was clinging to him I nod and lift up Colby's shirt flashing my phone light to reveal 3 big fresh scratches "Sam" i say calmly "What is it?" he asks "What the fuck is that?" Brennen asks 

"We need to end this now" Kat says looking at the scratches "What happened? is everything okay?" Colby asks we hear a slam from the kitchen, causing everyone to jump. "Come on we need to go now." Sam says beginning to move 

We go into the kitchen to see all the cabinets open and glass broken on the floor, Katrina and Brennen start running upstairs, Colby, Sam and i follow saying for them not to break the rules of the game but they had already turned the light on and blew the candles out.

We all panicked and saw a Polaroid laying on Sam's floor, we exchange looks and i pick it up, "What is it?" Brennen asks walking over "It's a Polaroid of Sam and i" i say quietly "What?" Sam says walking over and looking at the picture.

"Dude isn't that the same one that fell last time?" Colby says frightened, Sam nods "last time?" i ask "y-yeah when you were living at Brennen's we played and this same picture fell" Sam says.

We all talk about it a bit and wrap the video up, then Brennen went home, and Sam and Katrina left to stay at her house because she didn't want to be alone and didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the house.

So it was only Colby and i home, we go into his room "I'm gonna change" i say he nods. I go into my room and find some black 'beyond' joggers, with a black and white 'take chances' crop top, after i brush my teeth i head back to Colby's room.

He was sat on the gray couch on his phone "Look at you rocking the merch" he smiles "You know it" i smile back walking over to him and standing in-between his legs, he pulls me into his lap. I wrap my legs around his torso sitting atop of his legs we pull into a kiss

His arms were around my lower back, mine around his neck. As the kiss escalated i begin to tug his shirt off, and i go to run my finger across his back but i feel the scratches they felt intense. I pull away, he tries to kiss me again but i pull back slipping behind him looking at the scratches. 

The three long scratches, they tore the tissue for sure, slightly bleeding "Colbs doesn't this hurt?'" i ask "No" he says, He's lying. I touch it with my fingers tips causing him to wince "Come here" i say pulling him to the bathroom 

"Babygirl please" He sighs "No i need to make sure it doesn't get infected" I say "I like it when you play doctor" He smirks stepping closer placing a hand on my hip "Colby." i say in a serious tone 

He whines backing up, "Thank you" I say grabbing the peroxide from under the cabinet "You want me to feel better right?" he asks "of course i do" I say looking down "Then kiss me" He says I chuckle and shake my head then stand on my tip- toes planting a kiss on his lips

He presses me against the bathroom counter kissing me, and i guess you can assume what happened next..

Hey guys so here's another chapter! I am aware that this is nothing like the actual midnight man video but ye- also i. have. tea. So my life is fun, let me explain. There are these twins in our school, and they look similar to Sam and they're so cute anyways, i've had a crush on one of them for like 3 years now and we always joke around and well my English teacher decided to pair us up for this project (where we had to choose roles to play in a 'play') and he HAS TO PLAY MY BROTHER. what the heck man. so now all week he keeps coming up to me saying "Hey sis" and ugh. Okay anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter love you guys baiiii <3

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