"Colby your boyfriend wants you to call him"

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I woke up in Colby's bed, wrapped in his arms, I checked the time and it was 7am

I tried to get up, but Colby woke up, "Nooo, I wanna cuddle you" Colby said "I gotta get ready Colbs" I said, although I was pretty warm, and comfortable.

No Jordan you've gotta get ready "Five more minutes" Colby pleaded "Okay, but only 5" I said, he smiled and wrapped me back in his arms, he was kissing my face.

I started laughing, he smiled and looked at me "What?" I asked "Nothing your laugh is just adorable" Colby said, I smiled "Your cute" I said and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Why do you have to leave?" Colby asked "I have a meeting with some company who wants to work with me" I said "Oh sounds cool" Colby said, I nodded.

"Okay I've seriously gotta get ready now" I said and kissed his cheek, he smiled and got on his phone.

I walked into the bathroom, and saw a FREAKING WEIRD ASS BUG, I screamed really loud, Oops, well if anyone was asleep they aren't now.

Colby and the roommates came running out of their rooms "What's wrong?" Colby asked "There's a weird bug thing!" I said and ran behind Colby "Really Jordan? A BUG" Elton said "YES THEY'RE EVIL" I yelled "You mean to tell me that I ran up here and left my pizza rolls because I thought you were getting murdered for A BUG!?!" Corey laughed.

"Can one of you kill it for me pleaseee" I smiled Corey walked downstairs, he. Stopped on the 3rd stair going down "I'm gonna go enjoy my pizza rolls" then skipped down the stairs.

"Colby? Uncle Elton?" I asked looking at the two of them, "Fine, but next time your on your own" Elton said walking into the bathroom with his shoe.

I still hid behind Colby because BUGS ARE EVIL. ALL OF THEM. Elton had killed it, I think.

He came out of the bathroom with his hand closed "Elton!! stop!! I swear to god if that bug is in your hand I'm gonna cry" I said backing away.

"OH NO THE BUGS GONNA GET YOU!" Elton said I started running down the stairs, Elton chasing me.

I got so scared that I hid on top of the shelf above the washer and dryer. I heard Colby and Elton running around downstairs "Where did she go?" Elton laughed "Babe!" I heard Colby yell, "Jordan!" Elton yelled.

"He didn't really have the bug!" Colby yelled, bullshit it's Elton we're talking He most likely (Definitely) had it.

They walked In and Colby looked in the dryer "Jordan?" He said, I laughed, Colby jumped back "Holy shit" he said holding his heart "How did you get up there?" Elton asked "I'm a ninja" I smiled

"Do you have the bug?" I asked scooting back slightly, Elton reached into his back pocket and threw something at me, I screamed so loud.

Then realized it was string, "Fuck off" I said climbing down, I crossed my arm "Aww I'm sorry snickers" Elton said "No bad uncle Elton" I said crossing my arms, he hugged me.

"I'm still mad at you, but I'm gonna be late so I'll drop it for now" I said, Elton nodded and walked into the garage, circa following him.

Colby wrapped his arms around me from behind me and kissed my head, "Hey I'm mad at you too, you let him chase me" I said Colby smiled "But your cute when your mad" Colby said "I'm not cute I'm 5'2 and a half and I will destroy you" I said trying to stand tall.

"Go get ready your gonna be late" Colby said "This isn't over Brock" I said walking upstairs "We'll settle this tonight Golbach" Colby said and winked at me

"Settle what tonight Colby?, We have nothing to settle" Sam said walking in the door "Wrong Golbach" I said and ran upstairs "Nope. I was talking about Sam, WE'RE DATING!" Colby yelled "I BELIEVE IT!" I yelled back.

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