"Yeah.." I croaked out in my famously raspy voice. I definitely had my own tells and my voice would always be one of them. I couldn't help it. Breckyn did this to me and I was powerless against her. "Let's uh.." I looked down at myself as I zipped myself back up and pulled my vest out. Everything was hidden, for the most part. It would have to be good enough for a quick goodbye and getaway. I twirled my finger around and gulped. I made the mistake of looking into her beautiful, passionate eyes. God. I cant take it much longer but I was going to have to for just a few more moments. "Let's go." I put my hand on the small of her back and led her in to say our goodbyes.


"Be safe! We love you!" Mom clung to my neck and I laughed as I had to push myself away. "We will, Ma. You two be safe going back to John and Karen's. Do you need someone to drive you home?" I asked sincerely. "I mean, Dad's got a few under his belt and you can't see at night. It's starting to rain a little bit too. If you need a ride, ask Jake. He said he'd be happy to take you guys home." Mom nodded and put her hand on my cheek. "We'll be okay, honey. You two just be safe getting home and relax. Enjoy yourselves." Higgins wiggled his eyebrows behind her. "Yeah. Enjoy yourselves." I shot him a look and then gave my mom and dad a hug and a kiss. Breckyn followed suit and I slipped my hand in hers. "You ready, luv?" Breckyn took one last look around and then looked back towards me, tightening her grip on my hand. "Definitely. Let's go home, husband of mine." I closed my eyes and sighed, bringing our hands up to kiss the back of her hand. We began to walk out of the barn when sparklers ignited around us. We walked through the aisle of sparks as our guests formed two walls around us as we walked out. We made it through quickly and turned and waved at our guests. I turned to Breckyn and cupped her face in my hands and gave her one long, passionate kiss amidst the cheers of our friends and family. I pulled away and led her down the rock path to where my truck was parked. It started sprinkling so I walked a little faster but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my truck. Breckyn was giggling and I turned and looked at her.

"Well, I guess the boys had fun with the window chalk, huh?" Breckyn stifled a laugh and nodded. "I guess so." I walked forward and took the cans off my exhaust and threw them in the bed of my truck. The back window said "Honk for the Fallons! 10.17.15" I grabbed Breckyns hand and led her to her side of the truck. There was a heart on her window that said "Just Married!" inside. I shook my head and opened the door for her. I helped her into the truck and made sure her dress was out of the way before closing it and jogging around to my side. "Another One Bites The Dust" Was written on my side and I recognized Higgins' handwriting immediately. "Thanks, Higbones." I said softly before opening the door and jumping into the drivers seat. I turned the ignition and put the heat on when I saw Breckyn shivering in her seat. I grabbed her hands and warmed them in between mine for a few minutes before turning to drive out. I scoffed and fell back against my seat and started laughing. "What?" Breckyn asked curiously. I pointed to the windshield. "Apparently they thought you should be the one driving home." I gestured to the drawing of a veil where my head would be and then pointed to the top hat on Breckyn's side. Breckyn giggled slightly and shrugged. "Eh. Its raining, it'll wash off. Plus its dark, no one is going to be able to tell." She stopped laughing and turned in her seat. "Do you need me to drive though? You've been drinking." I waved her off. "I had half a gin and tonic, the sip of champagne from our toast and one beer. I'm good." She lowered her eyes. "I promise. Besides, I saw you down like four beers, including chugging one in front of me. You're definitely not driving, babe. I'll get us home in one piece. Trust me." Breckyn nodded but very clearly put her seatbelt on as I put the car in drive and started out of the long drive.

Breckyn reached into my pocket and felt around. "Well, hello there. I thought we were going to wait until we got home but.. I've never done this while driving so, yeah, let's do this." Breckyn scoffed and slapped my arm. "I'm going for your phone." She grabbed it and slid it out of my pocket, waving it in front of her face. "I'm going to play music." She gave me a narrow side eye. "Nasty." She clicked my phone and smiled at a pic I snuck of her while Lloyd was taking her individual pictures after the wedding. She looked gorgeous sitting in the beautiful fall leaves. I couldn't resist. "You're so sweet." She replied as she put my code in and went straight for my music files. "I try." I shrugged as I focused on the road. She ruffled my hair playfully. "You succeed." She hit shuffle and 5turned the volume up, putting my phone in between us on the seat.

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