Expectations and Unrequited Love

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A/N: I have decided that Blake Lively is now Cora and Laura Vandervoort is Dani!

Pierre grimaced as he heard the gaggle of women trailing him as he tried to have a peaceful ride in the woods. Naturally, they kept to the path a short distance away, trying and failing to be covert in their stalking. At first it amused him, but soon grew to be annoying. He missed the days when he was just a child, and his father and him travelled amongst the tall trunks of the forest, enjoying the peace and wilderness. The birds chirping and the wind blowing through the leaves above their heads. But then, as his mother likes to say, Pierre grew up to be ‘the most handsome man in the entire of Europe’. Now, his father seemed too busy to go anywhere with him much, and the peace was ruined by the entire population of women in court and the village, with love-struck expressions on their fair faces, and stars in their eyes.

In different circumstances, he may have felt slightly smug of the fact he could gain so much attention from the fairer species, but at the moment, he definitely wasn’t exactly pleased to have them around. It didn’t help that all of them seemed to think she was the one who he was searching for via the Wanted posters. Alternatively, they all thought that the others might be the one, and were intent on impressing him more.  But none of those girls were the girl.

They were all too flirtatious and bold and flamboyant. The girl he had met at the ball had been shy, and humble, and sweet. He could catch slight glimpses of such traits in about an eighth of the girls in the group, but none in such overwhelming amounts as in the angel he had seen.

Next to him, rode his best and oldest friend, Caele. He had a tall, almost seven-foot height, with a lean build found most commonly in the younger sons of commanders. He was trained to be a fighter, light and agile, swift and skilled, but not a heavy brute force that his older brothers were expected to be. He was the youngest of 8, with a 5 year difference from him to the next brother in the brood of Renard sons. As long as Caele kept to his expectations, his father, a strict, ex-commander would have no need of reprimanding him for all his extracurricular activities with Pierre.

Before Caele and he became friends, Caele was expected to stand at attention whenever royalty, or a higher-ranked officer passed by or talked to him, from a young age. His 7 older brothers were allowed some familiarity with those of higher rank, but again, must retain some respectful distance. But one day, while rigidly standing in line with his father and brothers, his mother having passed away the previous year, the King passed down their short line and came to a stop at the young 7 year old Caele. He trembled with trepidation, expecting some sort of reprimand or derogatory comment about him, but the King just smiled.

“How old are you, Master Renard?” Caele blinked in surprise, staring at the King. What has his age to do with anything? But a rough nudge to his ribs by his second oldest brother, Marshall, had him stuttering for a response.

“S-seven, you’re Highness” Caele quickly lowered his eyes to a respectful level. The King nodded, before eyeing the slight boy in front of him.

“You are about the same age as my son. I cannot be with him often, as is expected with the responsibilities of a King. I was wondering if you wish to keep him company whilst I am away” Caele’s eyes widened and he looked up into the smiling, kind face of the King. Caele had been taught from a young age to keep distance from royalty, as is expected of his rank. For the King to ask of such a thing was warring with his beliefs. He was expected to obey the orders he was given. But the King hadn’t ordered him to do anything…he had asked him. But he knew his father would lecture him about how much respect would be gained for their family if he had said yes, but if he said no, his father would be disappointed and his family’s reputation would be ruined because Caele shunned the idea of a friendship with the Crown Prince, so he stuttered out the appropriate respectful response.

“I-it would be an honour, your Majesty” the King cocked his head to the side, and his dark green eyes twinkled mischievously.

“Oh, I don’t know about it being an honour. My son can be quite the little devil when he so wishes. So best be on your toes whilst around Pierre” Caele nodded and accepted his fate of being the Prince’s chauffeur for the rest of his life.

What he didn’t expect was how fun Pierre could be, and how dismissive he was about appropriate displays of protocol. Caele had been introduced as a playmate, and Pierre treated him as one. Despite his constant efforts to remain aloof and separate, with his “of course, your Highness” ‘s and “yes my Prince” ’s, the prince broke down that ranking barrier and called Caele his friend.

Now here they were, 14 years later, as close as brothers. After seeing how well Caele’s performance was improved from being around the Prince and the positive demeanour in which he presented himself, Caele’s father decided to let up on his eighth son. Less pressure was built on Caele’s shoulders to keep up with his older brothers. Whilst they had all managed to have built a steady reputation amongst the ranks of the military, none of them had managed to gain the friendship of the Crown Prince. They were all far too old and set in their ways to be anything more than a familiar acquaintance to the Royal Family in general. Now Caele was like an extension of the small Royal Family of four.

He smiled, as he thought of the fourth member of the clan.

“You best not be thinking of my younger sister again or I shall have to fight for her honour from your sly mind” Pierre joked to his friend, though he seemed serious. Caele smiled wryly at him, knowing Pierre knew exactly how much he admired his sister. But given past events, he doubted any sort of advancement would be welcomed.

Pierre sighed thoughtfully, his mind returning once more to the mysterious beauty he had the privilege of meeting but never seeing again. He truly hoped he could get to see her again.

Both men seemed highly infatuated by women who were unwilling to be in any sort of relationship. They both sighed, and looked at each other with knowing expressions.

“Sometimes, I think it’d be easier if we both chose a random maiden from that gaggle of females behind us” Caele looked back discreetly at the females, who, despite their loud fervour of whispering, all seemed intently focused on the pair. Pierre chuckled and peered over his shoulder slightly, seeing Lady Arabella at the forefront of the mob, with an ostentatious brooch lying right on the dip of the neckline of her dress.

“But we’d be miserable…and it’d be less fun” Caele nodded in agreement, and the two friends continued on with their ride, ignoring the crowd of females dogging their every step.

A/N: Heyyy!!! Yes...I have uploaded!!! I told someone that I expected to upload next week but I decided to surprise you guys...AND I had some free time on my hands...yes, its kinda short, but I have introduced 2 new characters...did any of you catch the 2nd? I just hope I haven't mentioned a best friend before and I was wrong...I'm fairly sure I haven't...but if I have tell me immediately! HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! READ! VOTE! LIKE! COMMENT!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!

It Started With A Mask (A Cinderella Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon