Dancing.......................and Falling

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Chapter 4

I could feel their eyes on me, as I slowly walked into the hall. I resisted the urge to flee, and held my head high like the courtier I was pretending to be. The music slowly started up again, as I slowly made my way into the ballroom, and couples slowly went back to dancing, and I slowly made my way over to the refreshments table, where I planned to skulk for the remainder of the evening. Hopefully no one will ask me to dance.

"Madame?" Spoke too soon.

"Monsieur?" A tall man, around his late 20's, or early 30's, wearing a dark, long tail'd suit. He also had a grey waist-coat, a deep blue cravat, and a black panther mask.

"I am Lord Andre Guillame. May I have this dance?" I was at a loss as to how to avoid dancing with the man, when Mouse appeared beside him.

"I am sorry Lord Guillame, but my Lady has promised me the first dance" Mouse looked striking in his Alexandre of the Mask outfit.

"Yes, I am truly sorry my Lord, but I have promised this dance to young Alexandre of the Mask" Lord Guillame bowed, saying it was no trouble, and maybe later, before walking away.

"Thank you so much Mouse. I have no idea how I was going to avoid that dance" Mouse grinned.

"Yes, we all know how bad a dancer you are except the next unfortunate man to ask for a dance"

"Oh, you are just as bad. Now, come, before the man returns. Let us attempt to pretend to knwo what we are doing" I sighed, taking the lead discreetly, as Mouse was far and beyond the most terrible dancer I had ever met, myself coming a close second. Unaware of the eyes following my every move.


No unwed man could take their eyes off the shining beauty. With her blonde locks swept up in a plaited bun, with long tendrils hanging loose around her face, a long beautiful gown made of silver silk and undertones of blue, she made the sparkling chandelier above everyones heads look like a snuffed out candle. What amazed everyone the most was what the mysterious beauty had come to the ball as. With long graceful wings stretching out behind her, made of every white feather Mouse could find or buy, and a thin, circular band of painted gold leather around her head, and accompanying mask, she was the most beautiful angel the courtiers of France would ever see.

One of those unwed men was the Crown Prince of France.


Prince Pierre fended off another match-making mother and her daughters. This mother, by the name of Lady Agatha Duxelle was by far the most insistent, parading her elder daughter, Arabella around him, rattling off all her talents, whilst purposely forgetting her younger child, Gertrude. Prince Pierre felt sorry for her, but she didn't seem all that bothered about the fact that Arabella was receiving all the attention.

"Perhaps his Highness will attend Arabella's presentation next month?" Lady Agatha asked, bowing her head low in reverance. 'Ugh, look up. I am not going to incinerate you with my gaze' Pierre thought, rolling his eyes mentally.

"Of course. But I fear I must leave you now Madame's, to attend to my other guests" he quickly interjected before she tried to keep talking, thinking that agreeing to her invitation would come back to bite him on the rear.

"Of course. Later perhaps" Pierre bowed to all of them, them responding with a curtsy. Arabella seemed to take her time curtsying, and he impatiently waited for her to rise, before turning to leave. Only to hear a loud bang echo from behind him.

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