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I love the orchard. The way time seems to stand still in this small piece of land is mesmerising. No matter the turmoil that grows outside it, none of it ever breaches the walls of complete peace that surrounds the apple orchard. But sometimes, things have a way of sneaking in.


I whirled around, to see Prince Pierre standing in a rather ridiculous frozen position, his face a mixture of horror and embarrassment. I blinked at him.

When I looked again , I saw he was standing straight, his arms folded behind him; the perfect picture of seriousness. Well, it would have been, had it not been for the sheepish and amused look on his face.

"To what reasons, do you happen to be in my orchard, your Highness?" I asked him, eyeing him.

"Well, I er...was rather tired of being stuck in the castle, so I decided to go for a ride. I stumbled upon this charming grove, and happened to see you. I was about to approach you when you turned" he stumbled over his words, delivering them too quickly for genuine speech.

"Then why did you appear horrified at the prospect of being caught and frozen in place, if you were already planning to speak to me? Also, your horse has been tied to a tree a little ways off. If you truly had just happened upon me, then shouldn't you have proceeded directly rather than going round to reach me?" I asked, a light smile playing at my lips at the blush building on his cheeks.

He sighed loudly, before giving me a crooked smile.

"Very well. I did stumble upon this grove, and I had found you in the midst of picking apples, but that was some ten minutes prior, and I am a bit embarrassed to admit I have been spying on you since" my eyebrow raised slightly.

"I am unsure whether to be flattered...or slightly alarmed" I smiled at him to show I meant the words in jest. He chuckled.

"Well, take it as a compliment, ma cherie, for it is not often a town girl catches the eye of a Prince" I frowned lightly at that; did he know of my true status as a servant?

"What makes you so sure I wish to be caught, monsieur?" I asked him, my smile slightly strained. The Prince looked at me carefully, before shrugging carelessly.

"It is not a matter of what you may or may not do whilst being chased; but how you may or may not react when captured" he told me easily, winking. 

A/N: I personally, love that last line so now I am deeming it mine!

Hope you like this little teaser...its not much of a "Gasp! Upload woman or I'll strangle you!" but eh...oh well ;P

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