Lexi Roux

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I ambled along slowly down the path to the town, carrying a basket of goods that I had made for the children. I had managed to inherit my mothers culinary skills (A/N: have I mentioned this?), and I had made use of the overflowing pantry items in the house. I whipped up a fresh batch of apple croissants, and promptly headed out to share them in the orphanage.

As I was walking, I heard the clopping of horse hooves behind me, and I slid lightly into the trees to allow them passage. Most would have preferred to take the road, but I enjoyed walking along the forest path, enjoying the sunlight streaming through the trees and the animals calls to each other amongst the brush. I also knew that the Prince was riding out today, and his entourage of stalkers were following him, by road, because ladies must never let the sun taint their skin, if they wish for a decent proposal.

I kept my head low as the sounds grew closer, not wanting to attract attention.

"You there!" I froze. The Prince! What in the world was he doing so far out here, so near the town? Arabella was always going on about how his favourite riding spots were near the lake, which was miles from here! I stopped, keeping my head low, almost as low as a nun.

"My dear lady, might I ask what you are doing holding a large basket by yourself, and walking as well" the Prince called lightly to me, as he trotted forward on his horse.

"Th-the carriage was taken by my lady and her daughters, and besides your Highness, I prefer walking. And this basket isn't heavy" I told him lowly.

"Where have I heard that humble tone before?" I heard the amusement in his voice.

"Look at the girl. She's so shy" A new voice said, and I knew it to be the Prince's friend, Lord Caele, who was always the Prince's riding partner. I heard a thud and tensed, as the Prince walked closer.

"I cannot allow a lady to carry such burdens whilst I prance about on my horse. Please Madame, take my horse and rest your feet. I shall carry this load" I shook my head fervently. Please just walk away.

"N-no, please, I am fine. I have to take these to the orphanage. Special treats" I stammered. I hesitated. "Would my Lords care for one?" I offered the basket without looking up.

"I don't know, the orphans must be hungry" the Prince shifted closer despite his words. I knew the smell enticed him.

"I have made enough for third rounds, your Higness" Prince Pierre hesitated, before taking the smallest pieces from the stack of croissants and offered one to his companion. My eyes slid up slightly to watch the Prince's reaction to my cooking. I didn't have to be so nervous. His eyes were half closed in pleasure, as he chewed, his friend having a similar expression.

"Madame, those are truly amazing apple croissants. You are quite a cook" I curtsied low, before opening my mouth.

"May I attend to my duties then, my Prince?" I asked. He laughed, before taking my basket from my hands, setting it on the ground, and suddenly swung me up onto his saddle. I squeaked in protest, but he'd already taken the lead of his horse and was whistling cheerfully along.

"I- I" I stammered but he turned and smiled at me.

"Did you not think I recognised you?" I looked into his eyes, before blushing and looking away.

"I...I hoped you wouldn't" I murmured, aware of the interested stares behind us, coming from his companion, who followed at a respectful distance.

"Why not?"

"Because you shouldn't be talking to me" I told him honestly, and he turned curiously.

"Why, madame? Why can I not know both who you are, nor talk to you?" those deep green eyes enchanted me.

"I am but a humble...girl who isn't deserving of your attentions" I whispered, still afraid to tell him the truth.

"A name, please, I beg of you" I sighed, before looking up, with a tiny smile playing at my lips.

"Lexi Roux" he cocked his head to the side in an amusing way.

"Is that your real name?" I just smiled wider, and fixed my slightly awkward seating on the saddle. I heard him sigh, before a low chuckle came out of him.

"Of course you won't tell me your name"

For the next twenty minutes, we bantered back and forth, enjoying each others company, though I tried hard to place some distance between us. Personal inquirements were out of the question, so the conversation was kept light.

"We are almost to town, you ought to leave me here, before you alert the villagers of your presence. Being caught by a surprise visit by the Prince is no way to repay them for their efforts every year" I teased. He smiled, before taking my hand to assist me down. I went to take the basket from him, but he continued to clutch my hand, slowly bringing it up to brush his lips against the top.

"Thank you for your time, Lady Roux" he winked, and I smiled shyly, before taking the basket from him.

"Thank you for your assistance-" he sent me a teasing warning look. I rolled my eyes. "Pierre" he grinned, before loping back to his horse, and called a farewell to me.

I waved before slowly, dazedly walking to the orphanage.

A/N: I originally had another chap lined up, but I prefer this one first. Less rushed and stuff. SO YES I UPLOADED!!! Hope you like it; yes its short; yes, ANOTHER INTERACTION WITH THE PRINCE!!! UNEDITED!!!

It Started With A Mask (A Cinderella Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin