Our Son ( Part 3 )

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Chapter 3


I get home after long day. And prepare some dinner for me and my son. He comes running down the stairs, with the babysitter behind him.

"Stop running or you will break some of your bones Lwandlelwethu!" I shout at him.

"Sorry Mma"

"Dinner is ready, come eat" "Mam'Sonto are you sleeping in today"

"Cha Sisi ngiyakoduka, usakhumbula ngicele ilanga lak'ksasa" shit I don't have a babysitter tomorrow, how the hell did I forget about that.

"Umh yebo ma, kukhona uzok'landa noma" I ask her looking at the time coz I know there are no taxis here especially at this time.

"Cha ngane yami, akekho"

"Okay let's eat and I will drive you home"

"Boy how was school, any homeworks"

"school was great Mma and I did all my homework all by myself, you can check it later"

I'm a proud mother, my son is just 5 years old and he is so intelligent, I'm not just saying that because I'm his mother.. he is so clever.

We just dropped of Mam'Sonto and now we on our way home, singing and laughing ... man I've missed this... I'm still singing out loud and Lwandle lowers the volume, I know I'm a bad singer so I give him the eye and he laughs.

"Mma, I love you very much, but you can't sing" he laughs again and I laugh along with him.

"Boy should I ask your grandfather to fetch you from school tomorrow and we will sleep over there just for tomorrow" I ask him as I tuck him in.

"No Mma, can't you fetch me" I can't say No to him and I don't even have a sitter. So I agree to fetch him.

"Okay I'll fetch you, sleep, goodnight, I love you" I kiss him and walk back to my room.

It's only 10:25.. I check my emails and see that the money from the trust fund has been transffered to my account. I call my mother.

"Sis" Nonkululeko answers the phone, she's the last born and she's only 13 years old.

"Baphi, why are you answering Mom's phone and why aren't you sleeping its school tomorrow"

"uNompilo is helping me nge homework Sisi and umama ushiye iphone yakhe ku Charger" I sigh.

"Okay, tell uMama that I will call them tomorrow and put me on loud speaker I want to talk to the both of you"

"Sis, how are you" Nompilo asks me.

"Im okay and I love you both if you need anything please don't be afraid to ask me..don't bother mom and dad about anything" I tell them.

"Okay sis, siyakuzwa" Mpilo says and I wish them well and good night and end the call.

I sigh. What a day it has been. I call my other sister before I go to bed.

"Sis , unjani" Nomsa ask me, she sounds tired, shame.

"Ngiright can't complain, how's school " I hear a deep sigh.

"School is school since I'm hanging in there" she can't tell me that, is she out of her damn mind.

"You did not just say that to me Nomusa Nkosi" I say softly and calmly to her.

"Sisi please don't be mad at me, it's just that things are hard here and I'm barely coping because I'm stressing out with the fees and everything, mom did mentioned that dad's savings is almost Finished and they cannot be living and depending on you all the time, nawe you have your own child to look after, you cannot be taking care of other 5 people as well" I'm shocked, very shocked!

"Did mom say that" I ask her almost sobbing but I manage to hold back my tears.

"Yes," she whispers softly.

"Okay, your fees will be transferred first thing tomorrow morning , don't stress about anything goodnight " i drop the call without waiting for her reply and I send along text to my mother.

We woke up late and I'm screaming as loud as i can for my son to come down so I can drop him off at school.

I kiss him goodbye and tell him I will come get him at 2.

Shit! I'm late for my meeting with client I met the time I went to Swaziland, he's here for another business and he asked to meet up with me.

"Miss Nkosi, your 8 o'clock is in the boardroom with Mr Mngomezulu " I stop and look at Mpho she continues..

"Umh apperately they know each other maam" ooh Jesus please help me.

"Gentlemen, morning, I'm very sorry I'm a bit late" I say as soon as I walk in the boardroom and they both turn and look at me.

"Miss Nkosi, how are you, long time" Mr Sabelo Shongwe says shaking my hands.

"It hasn't been that long, shall we start please" he nods and sit down and I'm expecting Mngomezulu to get out and leave but he also sit his ass down, okay whatever, let's get this over and done with.

The meeting takes about 3 hours until, he signs on the dotted line of our 5 year contract..heew that was intense.

"Thank you, you will not regret this" I say to him as we shake hands, Mngomezulu is looking at me with a smile on his face, he is creeping me out seriously, he has been staring at me the entire meeting.

"Can I take you out for lunch" Sabelo ask, mind you he is still holding my hand from the handshake. I clear my throat, smile and say.

"Next time,Sabelo I have another meeting in 10 minutes" he shakes his head and smile.

"Okay, next time Nompumelelo, Mmeli usale kahle" Mngomezulu stands and shake his hand also and he walks out.

I clean up and collect my things." You have another meeting " he asks me.

"Just a conference call " I walk out with him still looking at me.

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