Our Son (Part 53)

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Chapter 53


I don’t know how long it was been since I sat down and had a talk with him. It’s been long. Too long. I listen to him as he keeps on begging me to keep this baby. It’s hard though and I hope he will give me the same respect and attention, the same energy I’m giving him as from the time we sat down when it’s my turn to talk.
I love him, very much and I’m not sure why he thinks that I still doubt what we have. Even though our lives haven’t been smooth since the day we got together I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

“Please consider my feelings in this, let’s keep this baby. Please sthandwa sami.”  He begs again. I can’t even move from here and just run away from him because he has me on lock down. 

“I can’t, I’m sorry.” I tell him. That’s the truth and I know I am killing him and certainly breaking him apart with my decision but keeping this pregnancy will tear my soul apart. It will always be a reminder on what Mbuso put me through and for my son I am trying my best to forget about him. Unfortunately, he is still alive that bastard, however he is paralyzed and in jail. I got off free from jail time myself because of the man I’m married too. That’s not what Isaac said though, funny enough he is still my Lawyer. My husband hates and trust him at the same time. Isaac said I’m free because my disappearance was publicized and that everyone knew it was self-defense but deep down in my heart, I know it is because of my last name. 

I hate that man and I hate that he still has a hold on me even when he is behind bars. The way I hate him I’m sure that the day I hear that he passed away I will definitely throw a party just to celebrate his death. I cannot not believe that once upon a time he was my all and now I want him dead, the only worry I have right now is my son finding out that his biological father was a monster.


I have been through it all and I am tired.


“Mmelokuhle, please don’t force this baby on me otherwise I am going to end up resenting him or her if I carry on with this pregnancy.” I say.

“It’s a girl. I promise you won’t. Take this chance with me. You are going to love her and care for her. That’s you, baby, you are kind-hearted and a wonderful mother you will never resent our baby girl. Please trust in me.” He begs again.

“Mmeli, please.”

“Please, MaMngomezulu. My family is falling apart even the kingdom is not even protected at the moment, Ngobese lost his powers he cannot not even give me simple answer and help me with this, its hard very hard.” What?

“What do you mean it’s not protected? What happened?” this is news to me. I watch my husband as he battle with his emotions. He buries his head on his hands, still holding mine on his. God he is crying.


“I don’t know what to do. I feel so lost. This is the same feeling I got the time I lost you.” What have I done?

“I’m still here and I am not going anywhere. I’m sorry you are feeling this way, but you are stuck with me until eternity.” I reassure him but it’s not working, he cries. I have definitely broken him, and I am afraid that the only way out from here is me keeping this child inside of me.

“What do we have to do for the Kingdom to be protected again?” He quickly lifts his head and stares at me. He is still as handsome as the first time I woke up next to him after I seduced him as he keeps on saying. I love this man.

“What do you need from me.”

“Please keep her and we will figure the rest out.” I had a feeling that the blackmail was coming, and I pray to God that I won’t regret this.

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