Our Son (Part 33)

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🖤 33


I thought this wasn’t a bad day after all but I spoke too soon. Can’t this day end already? Where did he come from manje? I’m watching everything happen in slow motion. One minute my wife is in front me then she’s down on the floor and she hit her head again. 

“Nompumelelo…” I call out for her.


“Someone call an ambulance!” That fucker says.

“Nomusa tell Edward to get Dr Black on the line for me. Love wake up!” I say laying her down and shaking her vigorously. Luckily she’s still breathing.

“Is she breathing?” Her mom asks.

“Yes she is…just her pulse is slowly fading.”

“Elevate her legs…it will help with the blood flow to her brain.” Her dad says and I do as I’m told.

“Nompumelelo wake up!” I yell.

“Wake up please.” Her mother sprinkles some cold water on her face and after some few minutes she regains her consciousness.

“Love you okay?” I have never been this scared to lose her again.

“Ouch…” She says trying to get up but I pick her up instead and take her to her room. Nomusa rushes behind me with Edward.

“Dr Black is on her way your Highness.”

“What happened?” She asks.

“You fainted sisi… you have never fainted before.” She is looking at me.

“Yes I know that…When did you get back? How is your grandmother?” I widen my eyes and look at Nomusa who is also confused by this. 

“She’s okay. Are you okay?… you hit your head when you fell?”

“My head hurts a bit but I’m fine. You know I had this terrible nightmare. I’m not sure if I can even call it a nightmare but anyway... Mbuso was alive well on my dream he is alive. He showed up here alive and well cabanga nje… how weird is that mara and you and I were married and and wena you are a king… an actual King. We had a fight though and I wanted a divorce afterwards ” She laughs. Ooh God.

“Uhm sisi… it’s not a nightmare but its true. All of it is true.”

“What do you mean it’s true?” Her laugh ceases immediately.

“Love we are married…see?” I show her the ring on her finger.

“What the fuck…” 

“No swearing please.”

“Sorry. Can I please have a glass of water Nomusa? This is all fucked up.” She nods and walks out.

“How long have we been married for Mmelokuhle? When did we get married? I don’t remember anything. Last when we were together you didn’t exactly tell me how you felt about me when I confessed my feelings to you. And I came back here and cried to my mother….” Thank you Jesus. She remembers.

I smile.

“Mmelokuhle I asked you something and here you are smiling at me instead of answering me. How long have we been married for? How come I don’t remember any of th-.” I cut her off.

“Say my name again.”

“You are being weird right now…what’s wrong with you?”  

 “No please say my name again… it’s been long since I heard you say it.”

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