Our Son (Part 12)

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As we drive home , I hear my mom and dad talking about my sister. Mom saying something like my sister had a meltdown when we left her at Lwandle's school. My sister has been through a lot I won't lie but she has never broken down in front of anyone before and her having a meltdown in broad daylight is not good.

"Mama what do you think about Bhuti Mmeli" I ask her as soon as my dad and Lwandlelwethu go to sleep. So it's just us girls.

"I think he is a nice guy for uSisi futhi muhle" Nonkululeko says and we laugh.

"Aai Nonku man" My mom says.

"But seriously Ma, this is the first guy we are introduced to after the passing of Bhuti Mbuso" I tell them.

"She hasn't completely moved on that's why she hasn't gone to a date with anyone as yet" I continue. 

I remember I once set her up on a blind date and it was a disaster. She was so mad she stopped talking to me for a whole week.

"Nomusa please do not interfere in your sisters love life please, we don't want a repeat of what happened last time" I laugh.

"Hei I'm serious wena! Goodnight" she says.

"Yes, Yes I promise I wont" She kisses all three of us and goes to bed. While I Google Mmelokuhle Mngomezulu.

*** Nompumelelo ***

It's been a week since my meltdown in front on Mmeli and I have been ignoring him like crazy. Every time he calls to asks me out I come up with an excuse. I have been sitting here in my office doing the same damn thing wrong for the 100th time. I give up and go straight to the window to look outside. 

I'm wondering why hasn't my mother-in-law summoned me to her house to explain the unexplainable situation I'm facing which is Mmelokuhle and Lwandlelwethu. There's a knock on the door. And I turn to look who it is and Mpho walks in.

"Miss Nkosi, Mr Mngomezulu would like to see you if you not busy" My heart stops beating, why is he here.

"Please tell him I'm busy Mpho…tell him I have a meet..." We get interrupted by Vusi coming in.

"Sorry to disturb, but I need your help with something" He says and Mpho walks out.

"What can I help you with" I ask him.

"I need to head home and I can't get hold of my brother, my mother said something about him going back to London tomorrow" He's leaving tomorrow.

"I don't understand why you telling me all of this" He's leaving for London.

"Look Nompumelelo, I need you to call my father and tell him you are more than capable to manage the company in my absence" I know he is clueless but right now he just lost his damn mind.

"No I'm not, I only deal with finances and sometimes getting clients there is no where in my contract that states I can also be a CEO, so I can't " I tell him and he chuckles.

"Look here Missy if you still value your position here you will do as I say" He says that and walks out banging the door.

Gah!! Yeses!! stupid man, I hate it when they do this to me. Threatening my job just to get me to do things, first it was the mother now this idiot. My phone rings and I answer without checking who's calling me.

"What!" I snap.

"Easy tiger" His voice calms me down but I'm still mad.

"Mmelokuhle ufunani" I roll my eyes. Twice!

"Wena, can I take you out on a date please" Not this again.

"No I'm busy plus Lwandle is…” He cuts me off.  I have figured he likes doing that and it's rude.

"Lwandle is still at your parents house. So  don't use him as an excuse" I keep quiet and he chuckles after a minute.

"I'm picking you up at 7, be ready and don't wear heels" He instructs me then hangs up.



***Vusimuzi ***

"Baba he cannot find out that he is next in line otherwise we are doomed!"

"Ngiyazi, shit! stop pacing up and down you are driving me crazy, I need to think"

I stop and look at this man, we are in this mess because of his greediness.



So it took me the whole entire week just to get her to agree going out with me. Shuu women.

So tomorrow I'm going back to London to do damage control because someone who doesn't want to live anymore leaked my information to the press now everyone knows about me and my grandmother has been calling me ever since. My phone rings.

"Boss, I emailed you the info you needed" 

"Thanx man, I owe you one" 

"Yizo boss man" and he hangs up. I Log into my emails and I see what I need to see. Not bad, not bad at all.


I park my car and go straight to the restaurant and my man was right, here she is… dinning with her friends.

"Ladies" I smile as I greet them and they all look at me. She's shocked to see me here.

"Mmelokuhle, how nice to see you here" 

"Can I have a word with you, ladies if you don't mind me stealing her just for a second” 

I walk away and she follows me more like running to me.

"So what can I do for you" She asks flirting with me and I notice that she undid her two upper buttons, exposing her cleavage.

When we reach our table, I pull out the chair for her to sit down and I lean in closer to her close enough that my face touches hers but just to fasten her buttons again and take my sit, she is irritated. Serves her right.

"Mmeli what do you want" Eye rolling.

"How much did they pay you for the information" I ask her while looking at the menu.

"Mmeli I have no idea what you talking about" I chuckle.

"You know I hate repeating myself mos" I warn her.

"I know that, but I swear I don't know what you talking about"

"You sure about that"

"Yes I'm sure" 

"I'm going to ask you for the last time. How much did they pay you" I ask her very softly and much more calmer. Her eyes widen.

"2...2 ... 2 Million, just for your name" She stutters. And I chuckle.

"Okay, have a nice day make sure you enjoy it to the fullest" 

I stand up to leave, give her a kiss on her forehead, she's shaking.


*** Mbali***

I peed my pants when he threatened me and kissed me afterwards. Mmelokuhle is one scary man when he is calm and chilled. I don't know why I did what I did but I was angry when he broke up with me again. I tried to retract the information I said about him but it was too late and I'm in shit.

"Girls I have to go, I will see you guys later neh" I tell my friends and walk out the restaurant to request an uber and within five minutes it arrives. I need to fix this.

I have to apologise to him or I'm a dead person walking.

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