Our Son (Part 40)

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I wasn’t planning on giving this to her now. I just wanted to make things special for her and then give her the marriage certificate. I know we cant have a wedding right now till my grandmother gets better I’m even puzzled as to why she hasn’t asked me about it. But I was so pissed off when I got here from Isaac that I went to straight to my grandmother and told her about my plans which she was ecstatic about it.

Right now she is holding onto me like I’m going to drop her since she decided to jump me. Nompumelelo is way different compared to the other women I’ve been with.  She is just rare gem she is unique and I’m not planning on losing her anytime soon. That ghost of hers has been following her everywhere she goes and she isn’t even aware of this.

I’m so happy that she isn’t having doubt about this marriage hence she didn’t even hesitate to sign our marriage certificate.

“Mma! Mommy!” I sulk when I hear my son calling her… this boy!

“Your son is a mama’s boy and I don’t like it.” I tell her and she rolls her eyes .

“I’m serious Love I don’t like it. This will be the future King and he is behaving like this?” She giggles causing me to get a boner instantly.

“He is only 5 Mmelokuhle hau give him a break and he is still my baby. Put me down before he comes in here.” I love her in arms.

“Hhai he is a man now who will look after his sisters if he acts like this.” She widens her eyes.

Yes she is going to give me babies…girls in fact and lots of them. My ancestors approved.

“Bheka…” I say pointing at my pants the moment her feet lands on the floor.

“I hear taking a cold shower helps.” She winks at me. What kind of a wife is this mara.

“Mma! Mama!”

“Your child!”

“He is yours too. We in here Lwandle. Woza.” She says.

“What are you doing here. I’m hungry mommy.”

“Would you look at that. Same outfits huh?” She says wiggling her eyebrows. 

“We turned heads with this matching outfits you should have seen the women drooling over us.”

“Stop talking nonsense. I know how to use a gun.” She says softly only for my ears when walking past me and I spank her. I hope my son didn’t see that.

I’m still standing here trying to get uZulu to calm down because she decided to leave me and go tend to Lwandle. She isn’t even helping because she keeps giggling with him and her voice does things to me.

“Come let’s go I’ll make something for you to eat. How was your day with your dad.” She says putting on her gown and slippers.

“It was the best mommy we saw uncle Isaac too…”
This is beautiful I want more kids. Where was she all my life. I cant wait to get her pregnant.


While they went to make something to eat I decided to just catch up with my work and see how all my businesses are holding up. I want to transfer everything I own to my wife and son's name should something happen. I just need to make sure that they will be taken care of without my family getting involved since she is not from royalty they will make things difficult for her.

“Your Highness your presence is requested downstairs.”

“Who wants to see me Lindiwe?”

“Both your uncles…they are downstairs and they want to see you and Nkazimulo…I mean the royal Messenger.”

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