Our Son (Part 42)

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I’m following Vusi to where everyone is he came to fetch me since Ngobese was looking for me. I’m so nervous my heart is literary beating out of my chest. Thing is I’m not yet formally introduced to the whole family Mmelokuhle paid lobola for me while I was still in the coma so they don’t know me. And I heard that some of his uncles and his father aren’t happy because I’m here. Mmelokuhle is a King so he must marry someone from royalty and I’m not that and understandably they are going to have a problem with my presence here.

He opens the door and I follow him in. Silence. They are here again. All of them. Why is everyone quiet now. My eyes are searching for my husband but I get disturbed by Ngobese.

“Makoti untie your hair.” What’s with this family and my hair my dreads are long for heaven sake and sometimes I need to tie them up just because they get heavy and hot for me. I do as I’m told and ignore my internal rant also ignoring the need to roll my eyes.

Nkaba yeNkosi!

He says the clan names. Maybe he can feel them as well. I’m still yet to find out why they are using me for all of this. He is telling me he cant see Mmelokuhle I turn and find him looking at me. He is right here but something is off with him.


“When’s the funeral…batheni kuwe.” He asks me. Hebana!! how am I supposed to know that….isn’t he the one who is supposed to tell us that. My father in law and Mmelokuhle’s uncle mumbles something negative but I don’t have time for them. What’s wrong with my husband why cant I feel his presence like I always do when we in the same room. It’s like he is disappearing or something. 

I get this feeling to go touch him and be close to him so he will know that I’m right here that I will always be here for him. I take one step forward but the kneeler kneels before me so I stop and look down…yes I have given them names now. I have a kneeler and a whisperer.

Those two are always here and then there’s this one who is always standing on my left hand side the rest are sitting down how I wish I could see them. When I raise my head again my eyes land on my husband someone or something is blocking him off from them I think that’s why Ngobese can’t see him. What’s happening.

“Makoti khuluma.”

“Tomorrow at 9…It will stop raining for two hours.” The gasps. Where did that come from manje. 

“What! Who are you and who told you that? How do you know we cant have a funeral while it is still raining? A commoner is not allowed to know our business. She is making decision for us now? What’s next? We are going to crown her and make her our Queen?” One of his uncle asks.

“Malume please.” Ooh how I love him for standing up for me.

“Bakhulumile… makube njalo.” Ngobese says and walks out but he gets stopped by the rude uncle… Charles that’s his name.

“Ngobese you are going to let her make the decision a commoner…imihlola le!” 

I wish I could slap the stupidity and rudeness in out of him. How dare he! I know in their eyes I’m a commoner but he doesn’t have to say it all the damn time.

Stupid man!


The following day the word is out that the Queen is no more and will be laid to rest today and the family has asked for some privacy and understanding. The funeral wont be broadcast that was on her wish list and she asked to be buried on top of her husband.

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