Our son (Part 37)

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🖤 37


Its been a week since that day and I haven’t spoken to my sister. The following day I went straight home and cried in my mom’s arms. They didn’t know how to deal with me because I didn’t tell them what I did till three days ago. To say my parents were disappointed would be an understatement. My dad is not talking to me and my sisters are avoiding me as well. Sigh.

I’ve been trying to call her to apologize but she is ignoring me. She ignores my calls…WhatsApps…texts… emails  you name it she is not even talking to my mother. And it’s all my fault.

“When you are going back to school. Moping around here and doing nothing will not get you anywhere. Vuka Nomusa marn!”

“What’s the point Mma…she is still not talking to me.”

“And whose fault is that?” Ouch!

“Get up and get ready your dad is taking you to see your therapist.” What! I don’t need to speak to someone about my feelings I just need my sister to forgive me then I will be fine.

“Mma I’m fine and plus who is going to pay for it.” She stops taking out my clothes and takes a deep breath before turning to look at me.

“Nomusa what you said to your sister was uncalled for. You made it look like we don’t appreciate her and right now I’m also in the blame for it because she hasn’t spoken to me.”

“I’m sorry mama…”

“Your sister paid for all your sessions.”

What! After all that I said to her she still did that for me. Now its confirmed I am a horrible person.

“Angazi where you got your information from and decided to involve me in your crazy nonsense but your sister is the most selfless person when it comes to us. She made sure that she worked twice as hard just to make sure that you … your sisters and her son have a better life. Never once has she ever complained to giving us money…not even once. When your dad lost his job she took care of us without complaining. Where do you get off insulting her?”

“I’m sorry mama… I really am.”

“uXolisa kumuntu owrong. Vuka don’t keep your dad waiting he has things to do.”

She’s says and walks out. Yeses I messed up seriously.


Arriving at Dr Molefe's office was a mission. My dad hardly said anything to me… I apologised and begged him to talk to me but nothing even one word answers would have meant something but he wasn’t having it.

“Dad will you fetch me when I’m done.”

“Call your mother.” He says and drives off leaving me there.


Getting inside her office is also a struggle there’s this voice inside that tells me to get out of here and just run away.

“Next client please.” Suzie the receptionist says when am about to open the door trying to run away from here.

“Miss Nkosi you’re next. Dr Molefe  is ready for you.”

I nod and smile at her while making my way to her office. I hope she isn’t judging me.

“I thought we promised each other that we will talk it out if something is bothering us.” She says softly right after I sit down she is not even looking at me. I blankly stare at her.

“I don’t know what happened or what triggered it.” I tell her. Its true I really have no idea everything was fine I was fine then aai nami angazi.

Our Son: A Love So Deep.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora