Our Son ( Part 47 )

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This is not happening!

This can't be happening!

"Edward where is my wife?" I scream at him. Causing a few onlookers. I don't need this really not now. Who could have taken them.

"I called the ambulance...they on the way." I look up and it's the lady from the store.

People are already taking videos probably posting them as well. My mind is all over the place. I'm angry and hurt but losing my shit right now wont work for me.

"Is he dead." She asks and I shake my head still holding on his shoulder. He is losing a lot of blood.

"Uhm no. Please borrow me your phone." I left mine inside the car when I went inside to get the snacks for us. She gives it to me and I dial Breeze.

"Breeze listen...it's me. I need you to track my phone or Nompumelelo's." I say calmly.

"Why? What happened?"

"Someone took them." I say and it comes out as a whisper.


"Ngithi track my phone Sphiwe! I need to find my wife and son. Today Breeze!"

"Okay I'm on it." He hangs up. He knows me too well. I don't need to explain myself to him at the moment until I gather my thoughts.

After thirty minutes or so there's commotion the Ambulance the police everyone is here. Edward has been with me since I was a teenager so I couldn't leave him here even with the time wasted I should be out there looking for my wife but he is also family.

"We will take it from here. You can let go now." The paramedics says and it is only now that I realize that I've been holding on to Edward's wound so that he doesn't lose any more blood.

"He lost a lot of blood but he is still breathing." I tell him. His pulse is slowly fading but he still breathing.

"Its okay your Highness we will take it from here." I close my eyes after he says that to me. He shouldn't have said that.

The minute the words leaves his mouth more flashing from the cameras and just then my world comes down crumbling.


After our spa date I went straight to res my mom begged me to go there after I threw a tantrum because I wanted to be there for my sister. I can't believe Bhut'Mmelokuhle seriously how can he cheat on my sister like that probably the stress cause the miscarriage.

I throw myself on my bed after taking my pills. I just needed to relax and calm down before I have another episode. I ignore the knock. Whoever is out there is persistent because he knocks again. Arggh can't I get a break I'm already dealing with so much.

"Ngiyeza!" I say while opening my door.


What is he doing here?

"Nsizwa." I say shocked after getting a hug from him.

What is he doing here? He has been avoiding me for the past month so I also kept away from him. I'm no one to beg if I don't benefit from you. He let's go of me and scans me from my head to my toe.


"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes why wouldn't I be?" I'm genuinely confused.

"Uhmm.... Where's your phone. I need to show you something." My heart is beating out of my chest.

Could they have leaked the information about my sister's miscarriage...they couldn't because she assured us that she was going to take care if it. I don't have a TV here and my laptop is flat and I don't know where my phone is I last saw it when I told Breeze my whereabouts .

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