Chapter 83: Surrounded Confusion

Start from the beginning

"Harumi? Are you in trouble because if you are, whoever they are better not mess wth us! We're over here!" It was the voice of Ultra Violet. Harumi tightly shut her eyes in relief.

They really did care.

That was just enough for the white haired girl to jump down the building. She wanted to reunite with her rescuers. There was Mistaké, of course. Faith, Jet Jack, Ultra Violet....Harumi's eyes widened even more at the sight of two figures who were slowly trailing behind the girls. "Well...I..." her phrase was forgotten in her tongue as she could not believe to see a reluctant oni lord and white puppy follow the girls.

"Cloud? Garmadon?" Now she really wanted to jump directly down and join her family. However, she felt her hand being yanked back and Harumi prevented a defensive hiss. She turned around to see Collin pulling her back. He had a begging look, like he was desperate for her answer this instant. "Harumi, please don't go." He tried to keep her as far away from her own friends as possible.

"Collin, I-" she shook her head. She couldn't, she just stared him in the eyes, both of them locking eye contact as Harumi was utterly speechless. Collin still kept that begging expression, thinking he had her full attention this instant. Harumi was torn, she couldn't escape, not until she answered this one question of his. But it was hard, she didn't know Collin at all.
How did he even find her? Why her specifically?

"Listen, it's a really bad time now, I don't know you at all. Why are you even after me? Why would you even kidnap me?"
She had a blurry set of questions to ask the boy, all of them showed his frantic and desperate she was to earn answers. However, as Collin was about to answer, Harumi screeched quietly, like her right arm that had been pulled by the boy, her left one had been yanked.

"Young Harumi."

The white haired girl's eyes darted to the left to spot the elderly woman holding her left arm, practically beckoning her to come with them. Mistaké had climbed up to the roof with a nearby ladder and grabbed her arm, almost scaring her girl in the process. Harumi bit her lip, what a real predicament they were in. "Mistaké, I'm so glad to see you. But first, Collin, please-" her head turned to face Collin.

"Collin?" Mistaké raised an eyebrow.

When Harumi was going to answer Collin's request, she had spotted no one holding onto her right arm. In embarrassment and overwhelming confusion, she lowered her right arm, she had been keeping it in the air for particularly no reason. But it left the question, where had Collin gone? He was right here with her, hence, he was the one who even kidnapped her.

"Who were you talking to, young one?" Mistaké questioned, letting go of her hand and beckoning her to climb down the ladder. Harumi narrowed her eyes and followed Mistaké down. What had just happened? Why tonight? Why did Collin want to be friends? Did he needed to be close with her for a certain reason? She made sure not to miss a step as these questions flooded her mind.

"Collin, I was talking to him." She responded honestly. Mistaké was one of the few people who wouldn't give her, ever, the benefit of the doubt. Harumi can say that Mistaké was a walking diary. She was so wise, caring and loyal, the princess can easily trust someone like her any day.
Arriving to the ground, the woman glanced over at Rumi. "But I saw no Collin up there, I just saw you." She reasoned.

Ah, was she the only witness in that case? Will she be called insane among her friends? Harumi's shoulders lowered, ah she couldn't wait....

"But don't worry, I trust you." Mistaké assured her, already noticing the lowered spirits within the white haired princess. It surprised the girl, certainly. However, she couldn't say that she wasn't thankful. She returned a reassured smile towards the elderly woman and managed to reach the rest of the resistance, eagerly waiting for the two to come back.

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