Chapter 43

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-=+Niall's POV+=-

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now arriving at our destination. The time in New York is currently 12:32 pm," I heard the flight attendent come over the intercom system.

She went on about the weather and making sure all of our devices were turn off but I tuned her out as I looked at scene below me. I was finally back in the states after a long flight. This place I should call home but I just can't. Nothing about this place is home. It's more like an extended vacation.

I slid my phone out of my jacket pocket, changing the song I was listening to. It wasn't long until the lady who previously spoke over the intercom, was walking down the isle making sure everything was accounted for. She reached over the empty seat next to me, taping on my shoulder. "Excuse me, sir," her voice coming off rather cold and unwanted. "I'm going to need you to turn off your music device."

I nodded to her as I unplugged my headphones in an attempt to, once again, retrieve my phone from my pocket. 

I was ready for this flight to be over with. I wanted to walk off this plane and wrap Audrey in my arms. I let out a harsh breath, leaning my head back on the headrest of my seat, and closing my eyes as I felt the plane slowly begin to descend.

Just a couple more minutes, I thought to myself. A couple more minutes and I'll be off this plane.

The plane hit the ground with a harsh bump, startling everyone. It was the worst plane landing I've ever experienced, but as soon as we pulled up to the gate, I felt my heart racing, becoming incredibly anxious.

As soon as we were able to get up out of our seats, I hurried to my overhead bag and pushed my way through the crowd of people trying to rush off as well. I failed at trying to get off as soon as possible and I got stuck. There was no space between me and the people around me. I looked up, hoping to recieve some comfort, but the ceiling of the plane was a lot closer than I expected. My anxious feeling quickly disappeared, now replaced with unignorable anxiety.

My steps staggered through the crowd, slowly guiding me to the door eventually becoming a single file line. When I was stood alone, I felt some relief wash over me but I wasn't on the solid ground yet and that left an unsettling feeling in my gut. I hated these crowds. Always have, always will.

And then there she was. Standing just beyond the barrier, wearing the coat I had given her when we landed in Ireland, paired with a coat of her own, nervously biting her nails, was Audrey. I wasn't sure if she had seen me yet, but just looking at her spread a smile across my face and my footsteps quickened.

"Niall!" I heard her voice call to me as I made my way over to her.

"Audrey," I mumbled into the crook of her neck as I wrapped her in my arms, dropping my carry on bag.

I'm sure anyone who saw the two of us in this moment would've probably thought we haven't seen each other in months. But the people around us didn't matter to me. I was just happy to see Audrey again.

"How was your flight?" She asked taking a step away from our hug.

I quickly pulled her back and kissed her cheek. "Horrible," I smiled.

"Then why are you smiling?" She slid her hand down my arm, taking my free hand in hers.

"Because I'm with you," I stated. "But if you don't want me to be happy, I'll just never smile again."

"Wait, no," She quickly jumped while we were walking to baggage claim. "Niall, no. You need to smile." She tried to get in front of me but I just looked past her. "Niall, please," she whined.

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