Chapter 11

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"Come on, there's something I want to show you," I hear a voice but I can't see who's talking to me. My vision was completely blurry and clouded. Even making out the voice was an issue. I had no idea who I was talking to.

"I'm cold," I tell the person I'm with.

"Well, it is winter," they laugh a bit. "Come on, just a bit further and we'll be there."

That's when I noticed that we were traveling uphill. The person pushed aside a few plants, revealing the space behind it. You could see the city lights so clearly. They were familiar. They were Connecticut. "This," I begin to say but find myself at a loss of words.

"Beautiful, huh?" I look at the figure who's hands were now shoved in their pockets and nodded along.

I nodded too. I shivered as the wind blew past us. They quickly reacted and threw their jacket over my shoulders. It's scent took me off guard as I looked up to them. My vision became clear once again. The boy standing next to me had his hair pulled back in a beanie and wearing a sweatshirt. "Harry," I cried.

"You remember me?" His eyes shine as he smiles his usual wide smile.

I nod and wrap my arms around him. "I've missed you so much."

"I'm closer than you think, Auddy. I'm right here," he pushes my arms off of him and points to my heart.

"No," I cry. "No, you're right here with me and you aren't leaving."

"Everything's okay," he looks at my eyes while shaking his head. "I'm okay, now. I promise." I continue to cry on. "Promise me, you'll visit?"

"Harry," I cry again as he begins to disappear. "Harry! Harry! No!"

I sat up breathing heavily and in a sweat. I wasn't in Connecticut like I was in my dream. I was in California again, all the way across the country. The room was dark despite the fact it was already 10 in the morning. I brought my knees into my chest and sat there on the bed, close to being in tears. Niall was still laid in bed next to me but it seemed my actions caused him to awaken and also sit up. "Are you okay?" He asks sleepily.

I shake my head, unable to form words because lump in my throat and the sob I let out as the tears spill from my eyes.

Niall quickly comes closer to me and wraps my in his arms. "Babe, it's going to be okay," He comforted me. "It was just a dream, you'll be okay."

"It wasn't just a dream," I choked. "It was real, way too real, Niall." I returned to my sobbing.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head into his chest. The tears cease from my eyes and I become lightheaded from my cries. This wasn't the first time I've had this dream. I had it multiple times when I first moved here to the point where it haunted me and I guess it still does. Harry was my best friend back home. He was suppose to come here with me. The night of our high school graduation party run by the school, we went on our own adventure and sat on a mountain overlooking the city, just like in the dream. On the way home though, we got into a really bad accident. Harry ended up in the hospital, unconscious. I visited him every day while he laid motionless in the hospital bed attached to machine after machine. It was the most disheartening sight and everyday, I wished it could've been me.

When it came time to leave Connecticut and go to college, I didn't want to go without him. This was our plan, to get out of Connecticut come to California and, as he said, "fuck shit up" here. I guess you could say I lived up to my end of the deal but I left him there in a coma and I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have but there was no way I was going back there. I don't know how he's doing or if he awoken from his coma. It's been a year, surely he would've but I was absolutely clueless about it.

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