Chapter 28

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My alarm went off the following morning at five. Ree groaned before yelling at me from her bed to wake up and turn off the alarm. I sat up in my bed and turned off the music coming from it. Niall tossed a bit in the small bed before I nudged him. "Niall," I whispered. "Niall, wake up." He groaned in response. "Sleepy boy," I whined, quietly. "I have a game to get to this morning, I need you to wake up."

"No, stay here," he said sleepily.

"The girls need me," I said, simply. "Come on, we can go get some McDonald's for breakfast but you need to wake up so we can get going."

I swung out of bed, hoping the boy would follow me and get the hint. I grabbed my coach shirt and a pair of shorts then quietly walked into the bathroom. 

This dorm was rather nice, I'll have to admit. I didn't have to deal with the community shower or bathroom even though it was technically still shared. My roommate was pretty laid back. She's really into music and we talk about that a lot. There's a show she wants me to go to a show with her and Adam in a couple weeks, I mean, it's sounds like a pretty cool idea.

I was still getting use to seeing Adam freuently, again. We still could hardly tolerate each other but we have our good days. I would like to avoid him at all costs but I'm due to move out of here at the end of the semester which was coming up rather quickly. 

I kept my shower quick because I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I came out with my hair in a towel turban and dressed in my uniform. I threw my clothes on the bed next to Niall, who was still laying down. I shook my head at him and let out a small laugh. He was cuddled up to the pillow and still asleep. 

I sat in front of my full length mirror, pulling my make up bag closer to me and turning on the lamp on the dresser next to me. I pulled the towel off my head and threw it on the ground then put my hair up in a pony tail. I didn't like keeping my hair in a towel turban very long. It'd make me feel awkwardly top heavy and was just straight up annoynig after awhile.

While applying my makeup, the cheeky lad from my bed came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Why are you putting on makeup?" He grumbled in a sleepy voice.

"Because I want to," I smiled.

"You look beautiful without it though. Plus, you're about to go spend some time at a soccer field," he pointed out. "It's just going to come off."

"I'm only putting on foundation and mascara."

"No," he whined.

"Yes," I whined back. "Now, get ready so we can go get McDonalds."

"Fine," he removed his arms from me and stood up, going about his way. 

I watched him walk away then turned back to do my mascara. They boy appeared again in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I smiled at him as I continued to brush my mascara on. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah," he rubbed his eyes. "We could be leaving now but you insist on wearing makeup."

"Oh, build a bridge," I laugh, finishing up.

I rose to my feet and grabbed my bag for work, my wallet, and my keys. "Are you going to put joggers on?" Niall asked me.


"Sweat pants."

I laughed. "Oh yeah," I set my stuff back down and grabbed the soccer club's sweats that they give to the coaches. "Let's go," I smiled, picking my stuff up once more.

We queitly walked out the door and down the hall. I was pretty awake by now but Niall looked as if he was about to fall over. He looked up once while we were in the elevator and I smiled at him when he did. He gave me an exhausted smile in return. 

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